ACT I: Retribution
In a tucked-away corner of a New York City suburb exists a home for orphans headed by the witch Myrtle Marscapone. There is but one child in the house who is not an orphan: her son Kevin. Due to his strange set of teeth, he is thought to be supernatural despite exhibiting no facility with magic. One day, an unexpected doorbell sounds, luring him out of his childhood home.
ACT 0: Prologue
ACT I: Retribution
in which Kevin opens the door of the Marscapone School of Magic周二 21 Feb, 1995
in which Vincent is alerted to his son's disappearance周二 21 Feb, 1995
in which Straud enumerates his suspicions against an old rival周三 22 Feb, 1995
in which Kevin talks little green men with the Doctor周三 22 Feb, 1995
in which Myrtle listlessly looks after her Orphans周三 22 Feb, 1995
in which Straud receives a firm vision周四 23 Feb, 1995
in which Myrtle feels powerless to help her son周四 23 Feb, 1995
in which Kevin has a night to himself in the library周四 23 Feb, 1995
in which Straud gives lecture to the Orphans周五 24 Feb, 1995
in which Trelaine talks politics with Kevin周五 24 Feb, 1995
in which Vincent expresses doubt in himself周六 25 Feb, 1995
in which Kevin asks questions of his captors周六 25 Feb, 1995
in which Vincent has flown a long way from home周日 26 Feb, 1995
in which Kevin has contracted a small cold周一 27 Feb, 1995
in which Trelaine makes an unexpected appearance at breakfast周二 28 Feb, 1995
in which Vincent reconvenes with his wife Myrtle周三 01 Mar, 1995
in which Myrtle reflects on the home's allies周三 01 Mar, 1995
in which Trelaine checks up on Kevin following his procedure周三 01 Mar, 1995
in which Straud checks in on the Marscapone family周四 02 Mar, 1995
in which Kevin complains about his dietary provisions周四 02 Mar, 1995
in which Vincent seeks reassurance周五 03 Mar, 1995
in which Trelaine strikes close to home周五 03 Mar, 1995
in which Straud brings an associate to explore business with the Marscapones周日 05 Mar, 1995
in which Myrtle vents her discomfort over a discussion of violence周日 05 Mar, 1995
in which Kevin is left alone with the Nurse周一 06 Mar, 1995
in which Straud spies on Trelaine's security system周五 10 Mar, 1995
in which Trelaine's facility is breached周三 15 Mar, 1995
in which the Marscapones enjoy some peace and quiet周日 19 Mar, 1995