
It so happens you have to eat to live. Here are a smattering of my exercises. These are listed in alphabetical order so you can find similar recipes grouped together. ♫♫ indicates that a post has open comments.

  • wheat, butter, and eggs
    third times the charm
    周五 14 Sep, 2018
  • butter, egg, wheat, and yogurt
    this moist cake, covered, lasts a week at room temperature
    周六 26 Sep, 2015
  • bread, corn, wheat, milk, and coconut-oil
    not too cakey, not too dry
    周日 06 Dec, 2015
  • corn, wheat, butter, and eggs
    an improvement after some testing
    周六 09 Jun, 2018
  • wheat, butter, and eggs
    v1 of the old standby
    周四 17 May, 2018
  • wheat, butter, eggs, and sugar
    'Cookie Monster' cookie (om-nom-nom-nom-nom...) ♫♫
    周日 19 Apr, 2020
  • wheat, butter, eggs, and milk
    a crowd-pleaser in any shape ♫♫
    周五 03 Dec, 2021
  • quick-bread, wheat, milk, butter, eggs, and sourdough-starter
    fluffy pancakes fit for a king
    周日 26 Feb, 2017
  • quick-bread, wheat, milk, butter, and eggs
    revision to 2017 recipe
    周日 06 May, 2018
  • wheat, butter, eggs, milk, plant-milk, and sugar
    I am trying to create a fluffy pancake from basic ingredients. Batter should be smooth and cook up quickly. Finished product should be mostly dry inside but form a distinct 'cake' with enough protein to resist crumbling. ♫♫
    周一 06 Apr, 2020
  • butter, wheat, cornstarch, and pie
    meatpie one to give one to keep ♫♫
    周五 13 Mar, 2020
  • wheat, rye, butter, and corn
    first try AP->rye ♫♫
    周二 28 Jan, 2020