Sophie Blue
Sophie Blue was imprisoned for crimes against humanity. She was allowed to keep a diary in her quarters during her time served. Please start reading with the first entry.
the uncertainty of symbology周五 13 Nov, 2020
familiar fears周五 21 Aug, 2020
a Dream周一 17 Aug, 2020
in which Sophie dreaming dreams周日 12 Apr, 2020
in which Sophie goes to work周五 20 Mar, 2020
in which Sophie starts her day周四 21 Nov, 2019
in which Sophie is chided for dawdling周一 04 Feb, 2019
in which Sophie makes a comparison between History and Fantasy周日 13 Jan, 2019
in which Sophie is approached by a curious observer周四 10 Jan, 2019
in which Sophie recants old guilts周三 09 Jan, 2019
Sophie waits周五 16 Nov, 2018
Sophie defragments old dataset周三 14 Nov, 2018
Sophie looks back周二 13 Nov, 2018
Sophie complies周一 12 Nov, 2018