PIDGE 006: Esteemed

The April party truly creates a change in the city dwellers. As if possessed, they take to their tasks and work through the spring.
The Magicademy is the first to change. Soon after the grand feat that returned Vincent to the realm, Davian fulfilled his promise and liberated Myrtle from her digital prison. Now, the Magicademy has completed the first step toward becoming restored.
Trente Gagarin has stepped up her courtship of Caleb Vatore, a topic that has been causing no small amount of strife among the gang. You know he drives to her mansion in Jersey several times a week for what the guys call tutoring. You suspect it is quasi-religious in nature.
A number of weeks ago, you had a rather frank conversation with Straud where he discussed his concerns with one of his offspring in Sulani who is threatening ultimatum if he is not taught the secrets needed to convert his young daughter to vampirism. Straud did not, and does not, intend to support the move and you agreed with him, sharing your own stories of rebellious children.
The end of June sees the death of the mage Lucia Ekstrom. You offer to bring her back to life but Straud advises against it, thinking her soul stuff unclean, contaminated in some way he could not fully understand. His best guess was that she was being controlled by a spirit more powerful, more ancient, but he could not prove it. Not yet.
July is a quiet month wherein Caleb and Cedric catch a plasma fruit thief. The thief ends up being a vampiress named Miriam who is an old acquaintance of Straud's. Little else is revealed about the woman except that Straud seems to trust her implicitly. Straud, to the irritation of Caleb, seems intent on overlooking her burglary.
On the morning of Monday, August 1, the weather is warm and muggy, the sun hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds. You rise in the morning, early. You've conjured your coffee. What do you want to get into today?

I sit in my Japanese garden and savor my coffee and mini-Danishes, content to watch the sun rise. The sense of urgency that was born out of Vincent's return is fading, and I resolve to renew my efforts to assist Straud, right after finishing the peach ones I saved for last.
As I snap my fingers to clean them of the sticky residue, my mind wanders to Adam; blackberry was always his favorite. I hope he's having a good trip. It would normally take 6 months to hike the International Appalachian trail, but for Adam...I squash the temptation to reach out with my mind; this was his Pattern to walk.
The light is now peeking over the buildings, coffee is done, time to plan the day.
I walk downstairs, stopping in my room to change into one of my customary suits and pause, my Magister Regalia for the Order glaring at me from the back of the closet. With a stifled groan, I remove and don the robes and hat, and prepare myself for a long day. Ready, I gather my magic and open a portal to the sprawling Georgian manor house that serves as the HQ of the Order of Hermes.
Walking onto the grounds again feels...odd, though I do also feel a swell of nostalgia and excitement.
Ah the ozone of young minds...
I am starting to be noticed. Hushed conversations start up as I pass, and several novices openly gawk at my robes.
Good. Let them stare. I am a Magister.

A frenetic mage acting as a scribe and attendant approaches you. "Magister Hughes, welcome on this fine day... Can I fetch someone for you? What can I help you with?"

"Good Morning. Is the Regent Council in session?"

"Of course, yes, it is a Monday, is it not?" He half-stutters over more words than he needs, but then, mages were a curious people. "It is now..." And he looks down at his watch. "A hair past nine-thirty. The meeting will commence at ten o'clock sharp. Shall I inform the parties that be that you will be in attendance? I will have them draw up a seat for you."

"Excellent. Please make the necessary arrangements. I will be having tea in the garden until that time."

You make your way into the garden, where bright sunlight trickles down through a leafy canopy. Three small tables decorate the corners and benches line a sidewalk leading on to the grounds. As you sit down, a small wizard approaches you.
"Salutations, Magister Hughes. My name is Egbert D'Avalon. I'm here on behalf of Tyler Morrison and I just need to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
You know Tyler Morrison as one of the senior members of the council.

"Good Day to you, please take a seat." I gesture to the seat opposite my own at the table.
"How can I help?"

"Oh, just ordinary protocol, things are changing, security is being raised, one can never be too careful, hm hm?" He bustles around in his notebooks for a pen. "Magister Morrison is in charge of trifles and tabulations, and I hope you'll see that this whole matter is little more than a trifle for you, but --" and he readies his writing implement, "What have you been using your magicks for since we last saw you here at the Library?"

"Hmm? Personal gratification."

"'Personal gratification', Magister? Can you elaborate? I apologize for what you must see as an intrusion upon your personal liberty, but I assure you the Senior Council simply wants to ensure the members of the Order are not indulging in vulgar magicks. The risks being self-evident."

"Well, outside of my own home, (which as you know is a protected class of area in the Order's bylaws) the only thing that comes to mind is a nasty scene with a Vampire; Tremere I believe."

"Oh, dear. A vampire? You know, for all their talk of the 'Masquerade', they are some of the worst offenders. I'm sure that you put him in his place." He continues to scribble upon his pad of paper. "Were there any mortal witnesses? Where did you find yourself?"

"I was enjoying a drink at the Blue Velvet. Witnesses...hmm, I practiced some discretion and only immobilized him, and no mortals were in the immediate area, so I don't think so."

"The Blue Velvet. That venue has had more than its fair share of incidents over the past few years. Altercations like this one are becoming far too common for our liking." He continues to scrawl, penning far more words than are being uttered in conversation. "And, one last question, and please don't be insulted by this, we are making it a habit to check in with our members both novice and seasoned, but, have you had any unusual spell effects, either inside or outside your domicile?"

"Unusual? At the risk of being flippant, what would usual magick look like?"

"A number of novices have reported difficulty conjuring their usual words. There have been reports of foul nightmares and old wounds worsening into modern anxieties. It's been mostly the novices but we're checking in with anyone to see if we can collect any useful information."

"I haven't experienced any nightmares recently, but this sort of collective experience points to something larger...I will be sure to keep 'one eye open' going forward.
I pause for a sip of tea.
"The Blue Velvet remains one of the few places where Supernaturals can rub elbows with each other without incident. Without such a place, relations between the factions might even be worse."

"It's made our short list of institutions most dangerous to the Consensus. The fact that mortals regularly walk in to partake of the bar and cabaret creates a huge risk to the status quo. The High Council means to discourage any of our members from being seen there lest they be caught in an unfortunate incident. But I shan't take any more of your precious time. The Council will be in session shortly."

"Yes, well, what would we be without the Consensus. Farewell Egbert."

"Long live the Consensus. Good day, Magister." You sit down and finish your tea before a young woman comes to fetch you.
"Magister Davian? They're waiting for you in the Central Chamber."
The Central Chamber is a large circular room with windows set some ten feet or so from the meeting area. The edges of the room are set with large carved wooden chairs, each with a bright blue cushion set upon it. One of the chairs is set aside for you: you earned it upon receiving the title "Magister".
Soon nine people in all are seated around the edges of the room facing inward. The inside of the circle has plain chairs and desks for scribes and other attending staff of the Order.
"Greetings, everyone. I'd like to draw your attention to Magister Hughes in attendance today. Please lend him your attention."
A short round of applause is given to Davian and the Senior Councilwoman, Alice Yeats, begins to rattle off typical matters of the council, including a congratulatory comment about the novices' exams. You become a little impatient as she turns the discussion to an invasion of rabbits bringing destruction down upon a large portion of the garden.

I smile indulgently and settle into my chair, pulling a pipe from the folds of my robe. I light the pipe and begin to smoke, blowing elaborate rings as the primary school report cards are being reviewed.

At the end of the recitation, Alice smiles at Davian. "Before I open the floor for discussion, I'd like to welcome you back to our chamber. I hope some of the new protocols were not too taxing for you. I know how you like to keep your privacy. I want to assure you we're only looking out for the safety of us all."

"It is good to be back. Taxing? Hardly, though I am reminded that locks only keep honest people honest."
"Please begin, I will take the last spot on the docket."

"Egbert, have you received reports this week of disrupted magick?"
"Just one, but I suspect it's a false-positive. Reginald Stevenson reported a disturbance in his divinations. If anything, it's an infestation from a plane of dream. Something routine should not be over puffed as to appear extraordinary."
"So a week without attrition sounds like a cause worthy of celebration."

"What was Magus Stevenson's disturbance? After all, we can't be too careful..."
Alice smiles again as she dismisses Davian's concerns.
"I'll have Reggie send you a note if your that interested, but, between you and me...he's been having some problems lately. I fear he's become unreliable."
I control my features at Alice's words, shocked that she would dismiss the findings of any fellow mage so easily, and concerned about the tone of the proceedings thus far. Changing my plans, I decide to take a more subtle approach: I make small comments and helpful hints throughout the meeting. When my turn comes to speak, I make up some pablum about duty and returning to the order, thanking everyone...etc.
After the meeting is complete, I tap a few of councilors on the shoulder: those of the greatest ability that I can trust. I make plans to meet with them for coffee or tea, for lunch or tennis, pretexts so I can begin to re-knit my web of influence.

One of the last people to approach you after the hustle and bustle of the dispersal of the council is Alice.
"I'm surprised to see you at the meeting Davian. Tell me, what changed? What called you back to Taldara?"

"I was ready to return. I have served the Order with distinction for over 100 years; I think I am entitled to a few decades off now and then."

"Of course, yes. Well I just want you to know that we are elated to have you back here at Taldara. The Order will only benefit from your continuing support. You might consider visiting sometime soon and taking on an apprentice." She stops, thinking herself having put her foot in her mouth.
"That is, of course, if you are not already caring for an apprentice. I just meant to suggest that the students, too, would be glad for your involvement."

"That might be a good idea, I have always enjoyed teaching. Do you have any candidates I should consider?"

"Connor Finnegan might be a good fit for your mentorship. He's a quick study and gifted in Forces already at the age of fifteen."

"Wonderful. I'll prepare a room at the house; please have someone let me know when he's ready."
"And you Alice, how are things?"

"Keeping busy with the school, as always. Students are more cautious these days than they were in my youth. Everyone seems to be afraid of the damage they can do with magic rather than the wonders they can create. The young aren't as creative as they used to be. Fear is really stifling the students here."

"Even the Mundane talk of 'perfectionism' becoming a serious issue in the youth; everyone is so scrutinized these days...when the risks are so high, creativity can be a risk."
"Oh, by the way, Myrtle Marscapone is thinking of renewing the New York Magicademy; I am sure they could use some students and faculty if you wanted to arrange an exchange; might give you some more free time."

"Myrtle is not dead? I thought she and a friend self-obliterated themselves."

"I wasn't present at the time, so I can't confirm the exact details, but yes, she died during what appeared to be a Certamen. Her spirit, lingered, however, and I was able to re-embody her with the help of Adam and Myrtle's son, Kevin...that reminds me, I need to write it up for the Archives".

"Certainly you should. The Archivists would love to hear the tale."
She pauses for a moment. "Well, congratulations to you and your friends for bringing such an influential member of our fold back to waking. We need all the help we can get."
"I was dismayed to hear of her departure last year, although it did not surprise me after realizing she's put so little work into her own immortality. I figured it was only a matter of time before she succumbed."
"But you say the school is beginning again, that is wonderful news. Will you be taking a leadership role?"

"I would describe my involvement as Advisory, for the time being, especially since it seems I will have an apprentice."

"Perfect. It is good to know we will have someone with our interests in mind at the local school."
"I will send Connor within the week, give him time to pack up and say farewell to his classmates."
"Would you like to send him to your home in Manhattan?"

"Good, let the lad say goodbye. Manhattan, yes, but let me know when you are going to send him over, I will make sure to have something special planned to help ease the transition".

"Lovely. I'm sure any gesture will be more than appreciated. He's a precocious boy but he's well-loved by his classmates. It will be a difficult parting for him, I'm sure."
"Perhaps once the Magicademy opens its doors, I will pay a visit. I have often wondered how the institution is able to function so close to the mortal sphere of influence."

"NYC would love to have you, and the museums are worth a trip by themselves, why..."
I continue to chat with Alice for a few more minutes, extolling the virtues of my adopted home. When the clock strikes the hour, I remember myself and say my goodbyes.
"It was a pleasure Alice, I will see you next week. Please give my best to Robert."

"I will give him all of your best. It was indeed a pleasure speaking with you again. You are always welcome at Taldara. See you then!" And she reorganizes her papers, collects them in hand, and whisks herself down the hall.

I look around the room once more before making my way back out of the Manor.
The groundwork has been laid.
Upon reaching the waystone, I summon my magic and wink back to 78 Perry.

It is just turning one o'clock when you arrive back at your home. The chit-chat had taken longer than you'd expected, and yet, you still have the lingering feeling that their world is very separate from your own.

I pop up to the roof and have a pleasant smoke while I mentally prepare young Conner's curriculum and how the Council fits into the larger picture.