PIDGE 012: Zenith II

Soon you're crawling around the side streets of Jamaica Estates where the houses seem to go on for miles, but you traverse them quickly without traffic.
Soon, the Straud Mansion looms over you from the hill. Cedric takes a right and stops in front of a modest brick townhome. "Here we are, Widowshild, been in the Straud family for generations. Haha." Mandarc attempts to crack a wry joke, but it's generally unsuccessful.

"I'll go in and get him. He's been staying here since the Master abducted him from Trente Gagarin's estate last year. He's a bit of a sensitive soul. Be right back, kiddos." Mandarc disappears in a burst of vampiric speed.

Gwydion "So this is Straud's neighborhood...peaceful. I assume that's his house in the back?"

"He's been here since before anyone can remember. Rumor is he set up shop in these parts before the Revolution." Cedric says. "Yeah that's his place up there on the hill. Suitably spooky, right?"
"Although I find Widowshild even creepier, personally. Mandarc lived here for a time with Friday Perkins, you remember her, right? Had a curse about televisions, if you ever experienced that. She had a tendency to just fry TVs whenever she got near. I think she learned to control it as she got older. Left the Magicademy and traveled around a bit. Wound up back here with Mandarc. But it didn't end so well. She's no longer part of our coterie."
"Actually, she's shacked up with your Sire's grandson, Aine. It's another situation we should probably step into and twist the hand of fate."

"So Friday dated Mandarc? Most interesting. So this all happened recently."

"My Sire's what? Bronald the Lesser? She's dating him?!"

"Yep. I personally think she was trying to get turned into a vampire, some spider worshipper or some shit like that, and when she finally realized Vlad and Mandarc weren't going to play ball, she jumped ship. She ran off with -- and that's great -- Bronald the Lesser in late 2020." Cedric seems to be enjoying the gossip.
"They are leading what seems to be a perfectly dull suburban lifestyle. Bronald is of middling at best magical talent and seems to have little interest in improving himself. What a joke."

Soon, Mandarc emerges from the house with an awkward young man who must be Emmitt Skinner. He has large eyes and, behind a magical illusion, blue skin. He follows Mandarc, who gets in the second car.

Cedric shifts the car into first and turns out into the roadway again, bound for Straud Mansion up on the hill. He takes this moment to deliver some exposition.
"Things you should know about Emmitt: half-human half-alien son of Joaquin and Cassie Skinner. Joaquin passed away. Trente Gagarin stole Emmitt from his mother. We stole him back."
"It was previously uncertain to me whether the two were from the same planet but this information from the Thunderbird seems to imply that they are. But there is something very different between the two beyond just age. Evolution, maybe, or something else."

In front of the Straud Mansion is a large oval carpark. Each car takes its own side. Everyone gets out of the car and prepares to enter the grey-bricked mansion.

"Under different circumstances, this would be the highlight of my week." Gwydion takes in the cool darkness that surrounds the house "Las Sombres Tenebrosas" he whispers to himself.

Áine's senses allow her to hear the comment and she snorts. "Of course you're a fan, look at how you dress."

Mandarc walks up the steps with Emmitt closely in tow. It seems the young boy lacks a certain confidence despite his size.
Mandarc removes a key from his pocket and looks back at the small crowd while he undoes the lock. "The Master has both mundane and enchanted locks on his doors."

Cedric, standing back with the rest of the crew, laughs internally at Gwydion and Áine's banter. "A breach of the Masquerade and beyond, that one. I like mostly how it captured the witch."
The door swings open, revealing a rich red carpet and a dramatic, high-ceiling foyer. There is a large bookshelf and matching end-tables. A slight wind seems to blow from the door but you're certain you're imagining things.
"Welcome to Straud Mansion. Capes are welcome attire here." Cedric flashes a slight smile.

Taking a look around, Gwydion is impressed with the genteel opulence of the mansion. "You weren't kidding. This is magnificent...all of these look to be originals. Of course they are."

"Okay, so. Emmitt, Quarq, I think each of you has received the current situation on your way over here. Count Straud slumbers in the basement so we'll make our way down there. This way!" Cedric motions the party to follow him.
In the next room are Sebastian and Miriam. Cedric moves over to display his ragged group of heroes to the two. "We've managed to track down some people we think can help."

But Emmitt protests. "I'm not sure I can use telepathy in this... Tellurian Basic Neural Impulse or whatever."

"Ehh, you just have to know you can do it. It comes naturally if you're born into it. Trust me." Quarq counters.

"Gwydion, this is Sebastian Eriksson and Miriam Duatba." Cedric introduces the newcomers to the old guard.

Gwydion extends a long-fingered hand to both Miriam and Sebastian.
"Honored to make your acquaintance; Gwydion Yanúla. I'm an old school associate of Cedric's and member of the Society of Ether."

Miriam exchanges pleasantries with Gwydion. "It's very nice to meet you, Gwydion. Any friend of Cedric's is a friend of mine."

Noting that Gwydion seemed unimpressed with Sebastian's fame, Cedric seems satisfied and continues talking.
"We'll all go downstairs, that's where Vlad is. Gwydion, can you summon some candles and holders for us?"

Gwydion nods and snaps his fingers. 6 globes of white light balanced on the tips of smooth metal cylinders appear floating in front of the members of the group.

"Thank you, Gwydion." The candles hover in front of the group. "The doorway into the basement is over here." Cedric leads the party through the living room and to the stairwell to the lower level.
"Let's hope this all goes well."
"It appears he laid himself to rest here in the crypt. As you can see, his aura is here but it's weak. We'll set up here."
The crowd slowly shuffles in to the crypt. It is cold and dark, except for the enchanted candles. "I say that this shouldn't be a closed casket affair. I'll take responsibility if it's the wrong decision."

He walks over and pulls the top off the casket. Inside is the silver-haired gentleman with whom everyone is acquainted. He lies perfectly still, seemingly unaware of their presence.
Everyone stares at him for a moment.

Preserving the reverent silence, Mandarc goes first. "Quarq spoke his true name on the way over, I think Emmitt is just a little nervous. But you're almost ready, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I...just...Straud adopted me only a little time ago and I barely know him. He seems like a nice enough man..." Emmitt meanders a little, trying to gather courage.
"Yeah, Quarq showed me his true name, even wrote it down for me and gave it to me as a memory. But it's strange. It's not really a word so much as it's a very specific feeling. I guess a neural impulse that's mathematically precise. It's weird. I'll give it a try."

Áine finds herself suddenly emotional about the Old Man. I hope this works...I never realized how much it meant to have this place waiting...

Gwydion looks on with fascination, careful not to make any movement that would break the spell of the moment. Very Interesting Indeed...natural telepaths...

The smell of pitch invades the room and a dark cloud rushes toward the center of the room. Rising from the coffin, shocked, is Vlad, with tall elfin ear and blazing blue flames where his eyes should be. There is a flash of rage sent out like a shockwave into each of their minds but it quickly subsides as he comprehends, revealing a sort of illusory emotion. Eye to eye, he's seen each of them, and realized why they have come. His 'dark form' fades, silver hair covers his dome, his ears once again round, and a look of understanding rises in his face.

"If you may judge a man by his friendships, then I am quite wealthy indeed. I apologize about the outburst. I was somewhere else and I was summoned by primeval means. My rage was not directed at you. Thank you for waking me."
He blinks to a new posture, fully out of the casket. "Gwydion, Áine, it is good to see you both again. I wish I could be welcoming you into my home under better circumstances."
"Emmitt." He turns to the young man. "Thank you especially. It was very brave of you to do something you weren't sure you could do."
"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to make my way back upstairs and greet you all properly. I've had enough sleeping to last a lifetime."

Gwydion bows low from the waist "Honor to see you again, Count. I have been privileged to be part of this gathering and will hold this moment closely."

"Perhaps you'll help me plan an action of retribution in time." But he stops and rethinks. "No, perhaps not. I do not know. I know that only Trente Gagarin could cast such a spell of despair upon me. I do not plan on letting such a transgression go unpunished but I do not want anyone to get caught in the crossfire. She keeps children in her house."
He pauses, the gravity of the situation speaking for itself. "On to other things, Áine, Gwydion, how did you two come to this place? Were my assistants in need of your services? I was unaware you were acquainted."

Áine looks over at Gwydion quickly before answering. "We hadn't met until this evening; I was on assignment, rescuing Hua Jia from Trelaine, when who should burst out the hallway but Cedric, accompanied by Mandarc and a mage named Lila. I assisted in Hua Jia's rescue and was celebrating with Cedric, Mandarc, and Gwydion, whom Cedric had recognized at the BV, when news came from another mage, 'Magister Davian', with the knowledge of how to wake you up. From there it was a straight line to Quarq and then Emmitt, with all of us along for the ride."

"Yes, Magister Davian and his companion, Ben, are the true architects of this plan; I was chosen as his representative and proxy as Lila is busy analyzing the results of the raid on Trelaine's Cathedral. I will notify him immediately that you are awake."

The Count takes a moment to take in the litany he's been given, all while keeping a plain face. "You say there was a raid on my rival's Brooklyn headquarters?" He lifts an eyebrow. "And I take it everyone made it out okay? Including this..."

As they round the stairs there is a Chinese vampiress who seems more beautiful than ever. She's combed her hair and her red qipao dress seems to shine in the light.
"Jia, from the Hua family." She bows and holds out her hand for Straud, understanding his importance.

"Yes, I see. I have not been to the Middle Kingdom in many years. I wonder if there are still those there loyal to the old message."

"I had not participated in courtly politics for many a year. I was occupying myself with poetry and painting." Jia humbly comments.

"As a distant statesman once said, just because you are not interested in politics..."

"I am aware of the old adages but... Perhaps it is a tale for another time."

"Perhaps." Straud says politely. He turns back to his coterie and changes the topic.
"You say this raid was led by a mage named Lila? Where is she then?"

"Lila took the items we acquired from Trelaine's 'office' and took them back to Davian's Townhouse for analysis. We recovered a notebook, two crystal spheres, and 3 remains samples."

"Davian's young apprentice wastes little time, as is also true of the rest of you." Straud's living room is rather filled to the brim with bodies. "I am impressed by the speed with which you all have awoken me but I need to tidy up some loose ends." He holds a finger to his temple.
Davian. I have awoken. The coterie is with me. What I need to do is just becoming clear. Thank you for your assistance, dear friend. I needed your wisdom.

Davian's response is saturated with joy and relief at hearing Straud's mental voice. Good to hear from you, we were all getting a bit worried. I am honored to have been of service. I am currently looking for Dexx, but now that you are awake perhaps I will return and assist in dispatching your guests...(knowing amusement filters through the link).

The mutt has gone missing? That is something that our young friends neglected to mention. I am sure the dog has gone trailing a scent. I will deal with that myself, the little scamp. Yes, come back to my home; I certainly was not expecting such...a crowd. It is something that will stay with me for quite some time.

At Straud's assent, a small portal appears in the air in front of Davian, invisible to any but those with Supernatural awareness. I come. I will bring Lila, she should be there to take the credit for her initiative. I am glad you had a crowd; if I'm honest I just wish I had been there as well. See you soon.

Straud, finishing his conversation with Davian, refocuses his attention upon the crowd in his house. It almost felt like one of his New Year's parties, with such vigor. He steps out on the front stoop to stand beneath the clear night sky. It is good to stand beneath your calm, knowing light.
He spoke of the Eigen, spirits who slept as stars, glowing everbright in the inky vacuum of space. He would need their help in the coming days.
But for now he needed guidance on what to do about Trente Gagarin. If she had her way, he'd be worse than sleeping in a dream, he'd be...dead. But he could not let fantasies of revenge take his better judgement from him. But that being said...
He could not act as if she were not a threat. If she could do this to him, what other tricks had she learnt since leaving the homeworld?
She should not have crossed me.

Sebastian watches the crowd, relieved that Vlad is conscious and seemingly no worse for wear. Now that he is back, it is time to punish those responsible. We cannot let them commit these sort of actions without consequences...Trelaine should have known of Trente's plan, and will perceive our strike as retribution. When Straud appears at the BV tomorrow, we will ensure Trelaine knows; then he will see that he suffers for nothing. After he understands, we hit Trente.

Áine also watches the room, but mostly so she doesn't look at Gwydion. We've shown him many secrets tonight...yet another Mage, and this one strange even for those eccentric beings. His aura...Áine had never seen anything like it before: an inferno of green fire and golden lightning that writhed as if alive, yet Straud didn't seem that discomfited to see him...

Gwydion uses his innate Forces abilities to watch Áine while making smalltalk with Miriam. A curious evening. It had been a long time since he had had such fun. The adventure...but also the girl. Á Angel of Death. Even his Avatar seems fascinated. That should worry me. Should.

Mandarc approaches Miriam, intent on getting back the contents of his pockets. "Seems silly, but if I'd have been captured, there were some things here I really wouldn't want to lose."
And here, they approached the high midnight hour. The night was still young and tonight he'd participated in a strike against Trelaine and made it out alive. But being in that place had strengthened his convictions. Trelaine was no longer his master and never again would be.

Kevin looks over the party and sees that Straud has left to get some night air. We should probably clear out too.
"Emmitt, let me walk you back to Widowshild. You looked like you were about to get into bed."


Cedric sees Kevin leave and realizes that Vlad has left the house. The others are making small talk and making the whole house vibrate with energy.
But he knows there are still tasks left unfinished.
He exits the house through the front door. Vlad sits on the first stair. There is a silence for a moment as they comprehend each other.
"It's good to have you back, sir." Cedric says, with as much confidence as he can muster.

"It's good to be back."

"Did you see anything? Were you in the Umbra? Elysion?"

"I was wasting time. Old fantasies. Things long dead and buried. People and places I thought I'd put far behind me. That is what scares me, Endymion's ability to completely --" and this part, he emphasizes with ferocity, "waste my TIME!"

Straud's last syllable hangs in the air for a moment before a portal bursts into being on the pavement right in front of the stairs. Davian and Lila step out, the latter holding a curious satchel that is completely sealed.
Davian pulls a dusty bottle of wine out of his coat pocket. "Good evening gentlemen. I thought I might bring something to celebrate." (those with enhanced senses might be able to discern the label, 'Dom Perignon 1921'.) Waving his hand over the bottle it frosts over then pops, just as four crystal goblets appear.
Davian pours the flaxen vintage into the glasses then hands one to each member of the small group. "To interdisciplinary collaboration!"
After all have drained their goblets, Davian refills them and calls for a second toast. "To my impetuous Apprentice, who's brought you a kingly Rising gift." (At this Lila blushes and holds out the bag to Straud). "To Lila Black, who has helped bring the dawn."

"You are always perfectly prepared for celebration. Davian, your fine taste is appreciated. Thank you. It is good to be back." He takes the gift from Lila, who he recognizes immediately with her bright red hair and green eyes. Her aura was sparkling particularly bright right now. "And thank you, Lila, for taking part in what I hope will be the first step of a cleansing of this world. A great many evils have been allowed to flourish but no more. You are a bold mage and I know we will see much from you. I will be watching your progress carefully." Straud tucks the gift away inside the folds of his coat. "You have quite the mentor. I think the two of you will accomplish great things together."

Lila blushes more deeply, but her reply is steady. "Thank you Count; Magister Davian has a... reputation, but after his instruction of the last few months and the events of last evening, I consider myself extremely fortunate to be his Apprentice." Her embarrassment increasing, she quickly changes the subject. "The satchel contains Trelaine's notebook, three mage remains, and two crystal orbs, each with a nano machine/AI embedded in the center. I would be excited to continue to work on these, but it seemed only proper for you to have them."

"I have put them away in a safe place for now. It does not bode well that he is in possession of nano-machines. More investigation is needed and I will keep you informed of anything I uncover."
"I will have someone, possibly Miriam, take up residence in the Vatore Mansion. I do not want the boy returning looking for forgotten teddy bears. My realm is off limits to him. It is a true pity because his father was such a trusted ally of mine but I cannot allow such transgressions to pass my hand."

Davian nods his head. "A mercy that many would not extend." Davian drains his glass throws it and the empty bottle over his shoulder; they disappear before they hid the pavement. Reaching into his coat pocket, he removes a joint from his cigarette case, lights, and takes a deep puff then hands it over to Lila. "So, if I know you there is more in-store for Ms. Gagarin. Can we help or is there something else you would have us do? At the very least, I think I will make an appearance at the BV tomorrow night to catch up with my good friend Vlad." Davian winks.

"I am looking forward to getting out and enjoying our fine city from the comfort of our old speak-easy. She was fool enough to build her hovel on top of a leyline to which I attuned long ago. I will go and taunt her before the sun rises and she takes to bed. She thinks she is safe but I have been on this land since far before she ever saw its moonglow. You are welcome to come but you do not have to, I cannot guarantee there will be no danger. But I do know I must deliver my judgement to Caleb. He should know what sort of dastardly vampiress he follows."

"Just like old times, eh? Capital idea. Lila, are you ok mingling alone?"

Lila looks between Davian and Straud for a second. "You two have fun, I'll catch up with Áine. But this is mine." (she pulls the joint away from Davian and walks into the mansion trailing a cloud of smoke).

"I'm sure the children will be just fine. I'm glad you are coming with me." Vlad watches as Lila saunters into the house. "It is good they are making friends." He smiles wryly.
"Do you need any time to prepare yourself? Luckily, I doubt she will be expecting us so soon..."

"One moment." As Straud watches, a shimmering oval appears around Davian, shrinking almost immediately until it forms an opalescent skin-tight field around the Mage.
"Right then. Let's see the bitch punch through this."

"The unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Very nice."
Straud steps back, readying his internal energies. "Just a hop across two rivers and we'll be there momentarily." He bows, raising his hand to seemingly cut through the air. In his wake, appears a cyan line segment hanging in mid air. He steps forward, reaches both hands into the cut, and pulls it open. The silver-haired man enters the portal and holds out his hand to his friend. "Watch your step..."

Davian takes Straud's hand, the sensation somewhat dampened by his shield.
"When we are done, let her fear the rising of the moon."

You'll recall this home once held the Charm family; Minerva was a good friend of Myrtle's. The portal winks out of existence and the two are standing in front of a brick home in bright earth tones.

It is night, and the home stands still in the darkness. The pair approach the garden, set off to one side, on the outside of a small fence. I feel something here... he comments as he approaches the dry flowerbeds. Trelaine was stealing the remains of mages, but here, beneath our feet, was the soulstuff of two, no, three, mages. I can feel it just gently flowing away on the wind...
But their gathering is cut short by a flash of pure darkness. Soon materialized in front of them is a tall, thin woman with impossibly bright pink hair. She wears an inky dress in black and blue and heels too wicked for mortal feet.

It is night, and the home stands still in the darkness. The pair approach the garden, set off to one side, on the outside of a small fence. I feel something here... he comments as he approaches the dry flowerbeds. Trelaine was stealing the remains of mages, but here, beneath our feet, was the soulstuff of two, no, three, mages. I can feel it just gently flowing away on the wind...
But their gathering is cut short by a flash of pure darkness. Soon materialized in front of them is a tall, thin woman with impossibly bright pink hair. She wears an inky dress in black and blue and heels too wicked for mortal feet.

"How dare you come here, World Destroyer. Was my warning not enough?" Her teeth are pristine; she's retracted her fangs for this appearance.

"I destroyed nothing that was not already doomed." Straud speaks plainly.

"IT WAS NOT YOURS TO DESTROY!" She shouts and then disappears. The ground begins to turn a reddish hue and the grass shrinks into the dirt. The trees shed their leaves and begin to curl into themselves, as if in extreme drought.

"Hold your ground. It's an illusion." Straud stands, feet apart, looking around for her signature. "I regret that I had to destroy Firsthome. You'll recall it was my planet, too. I was simply performing the task the Eigen had put before me."

"I don't pray to your false gods. I'll see to it that Caleb doesn't either." Her disembodied voice floats over the area as if on loudspeaker.

"Bring the boy to me. He belongs to the Earth, not to you."

"HE'S MINE!" She wails, and a harsh wind flows through the air.

"You stand on the soil of my world, you mendacious cunt, show some respect or I will force you to your knees. Hear me, now: (Davian's sword appears in his hand, glowing with a soft golden radiance.) interfere again with me or those close to me and I will erase you and your pathetic coterie from existence."

The fire seems to dissipate from her eyes as she glares silently upon Davian baring his sword. She frowns, grimaces, and then blinks, looking again at Davian.
"Mage. You barely know he whom you call friend. Do you not see the death around you? Your plants and animals coiling around themselves in death after your world was ravaged of its resources and its sun extinguished. Do you not comprehend what he's done to my world? We seek simple justice for a wrong that can never be repaid. You are a fool to trust someone who willingly, joyfully, destroys his home. He's a villain!!"

"Firsthome was no utopia." Vlad snaps his fingers and the illusion Trente's conjured disappears.

"How DARE you speak the name of my lost empire!" She cries.

Suddenly, from behind the side of the house, a large dire wolf comes charging up to Davian, leaps at him, and attempts to sink its teeth into his arm.

Davian turns to the wolf "Down boy."

Davian's mage armor shimmers as the dire wolf strikes it and bounces back. It recoils and then is instantly transformed into a rabbit, pink and overly fluffy. It hops around on the ground, looking up at Davian angrily.

Straud looks at her with an steely gaze. "Give me your necklace." he says, and against her better judgment, she obeys, even employing speed to accomplish the goal.

Trente, immediately freed from her compulsion upon depositing the necklace into his hands, stares at him a moment in resigned rage before disappearing in a flash, grabbing the rabbit, and disappearing inside the house.

"Well that was fun. She'll be able to turn the Bunny back. Eventually."

"Indeed. I think we've made our trade; I've taken my payment. Let's get back to the Childer."
Straud pulls open a portal. "After you." he motions to Davian.
Before stepping into the portal himself, he takes one last look at Charm Mansion and bows his head in reverence. "I'm sorry, Minerva."

When the pair arrive back at Straud's home, the outside is quiet but the inside is lit and sounding rather lively.

"It seems they have not had the better sense to vacate." He laughs lightly. "I am sure they will be eager to know how our little adventure went." He twirls the necklace around in his hand. "I would like to get this foul thing inside, but I will wait a moment."
He pauses. "Thank you for keeping things together in my absence. I hate to think how things could have gone. I will look for the dog in the morning light. I suspect the silly thing tried to chase after Trente and Caleb after they fled my realm."

Davian smirks at Straud's expression of exasperation. "Be proud; that kind of loyalty cannot be bought. I was especially impressed with Askuwheteau...he petitioned Thunderbird on your behalf. Speaking of which, I should send him a message."

Straud's eyes widen and he draws his chin downward. "He petitioned...the Thunderbird? So that was how you knew to seek out one of my kind and to coach him with my old titles. I am beginning to believe that I am the liability here." He laughs.
"Are you and Ben beginning to have an acquaintance? He is a good man; we must ensure that he is not swept away by the rising tide."

"The Storm Lord was most cooperative; you have earned his grudging respect, though I fear we cannot count on any more favors."
"Ben has earned my trust and my friendship; I just hope his is not a tragic vigil."

"He is a man out of place and out of time. It is a wonder he comes to this great city at all. I am glad he does, but perhaps we should find a way to show him our appreciation."
"At any rate, let us go back in the house and clear it of younglings. There is surely still part of the night that they may make use of."

"Get them onto the lawn, one might say."
Davian follows Straud into the light and noise of the Manor.

Slowly, the house begins to empty as the remains of the night call to each in their own way. Straud, too, needs to be alone, to feel stillness, to hear the house creaking in the wind.
"Go to Emmitt." Straud tells Mandarc, the last to leave. "Tell him everything is OK and he did well. I will find a way to thank him."

Mandarc pauses a moment. "...So. Caleb's finally been, you know, excommunicated?"

"Yes, Mandarc. He'll be unable to enter this realm."

"Lenard had wards against me when we went to the Cathedral tonight."

"Think of it as a compliment."

Mandarc has nothing to say in response to that. "...I'll go check on Emmitt. See you tomorrow, same time same place. Goodnight, Master."

Later that night, just as the night is becoming thin and threatening to fade into daylight, a pale dog with a long straight snout comes meandering slowly from the shadows. As soon as the dog reaches the approach to Straud Mansion, the door opens, allowing passageway for the dog and the dog alone.

"Welcome home, friend."