PIDGE 011: Zenith I

Miriam is the first to greet the party, acknowledging that Mandarc, especially, looks a little worse for the wear. He looks a little peaked. She walks over toward him and places her arms around him.

Cedric speaks next, "Lila set off a huge inferno of doom, setting probably a hundred of those fuckers alight. She deserves a gold star. Also, we saved a new friend."

He motions toward the Chinese Vampiress, "Jia Hua. Charmed to make your acquaintance."

"And Áine," Cedric continues, "You already know, don't you?"

Sebastian seems genuinely pleased "Been a while, Áine, good to see you again."

Lila goggles for a moment, then reaches out to Cedric Is that...the Sebastian?!

Straud is well-connected. You want me to introduce you? Cedric seems to be smiling beneath his words.

Sebastian Ericksson is a Vampire! OMG! After a moment of shocked silence Yes, that would be gracious of you.

Cedric motions with his head for you to follow. It is just a few small steps until they're in range of Sebastian. They finally get in his range and the first thing you notice is that his blue eyes truly are more oceanic than the camera suggested.
"Nice to see you again, Sebastian. I wanted to introduce you to the real hero of tonight's mission. This is Lila Black, apprentice to Magister Davian, of the Order of Hermes."

Sebastian's ancient gaze travels over the young mage, taking note of the little details, noting her heartbeat (A fan, how nice.) and Cedric's prideful posture.
"Always a pleasure to meet a Magi. I have known many of your Order during the Magister Aethgar still around?" He holds out his hand and smiles warmly.

Lila allows herself a small blush before taking Sebastian's hand with confidence "Pleasure. Magister Aethgar...finally left for the Umbra in the early 1800's."

"Ah, forgive me, time passes swiftly and ours was a friendship of long absences. Well, Cedric? It is hardly polite for the Lady to speak of her own accomplishments. 'Spill the Tea' as kids say."

"We took the opportunity to dive upon Trelaine's Cathedral and got out with some of what we were looking for. Along with a few other trinkets. I take it the Mansion has been quiet?" Cedric asks.

"I see. Accomplished your mission AND saved a member of the Asian Enclaves...well done Lila. And my apologies for the delay in introduction Madame Hua (Sebastian bows perfectly and speaks in accent-less Mandarin.)"
To Cedric directly How many of Trelaine's perished? I accept what happened but we must prepare for a counter-stroke

Jia bows in response to Sebastian. "Even as far away as the Kingdom of Heaven we have heard of you. I did not know you were one of the Wánghún. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm from the province of Shaanxi, near the city of Xi'an. I was trying to stay out of politics, busying myself with poetry and painting."

Cedric replies Near on a hundred. Mostly thinbloods and lesser followers of Trelaine. We paralyzed Vanessa Tang so she'll have trouble getting up in the morning, but otherwise we were focused on getting out of there in one piece.

"As the ancient Greek Statesmen Pericles said, 'Just because you do not take an interest in politics, does not mean politics won't take an interest in you.'; I am glad we were in the right place to affect your escape.
Pity we couldn't have put the bitch down, but still...Trelaine will be furious but impotent for some time. If he's smart he won't risk his lieutenants and captains on a quest for vengence. (something like excitement enters his mental voice) but I almost hope he tries.

Lila takes a reluctant step away from Sebastian and joins Miriam and Mandarc.
Mandarc...thank you again for coming with us; we couldn't have done it without you and I am starting to understand how much it cost.

"And the politicking of foreign wars found its way to my doorstep. Certainly your words ring true. It seems there is good reason for me to have found myself in a strange country, speaking the language of strangers."

I almost hope he tries too. Cedric replies in agreement.

In corner with Mandarc and Miriam, Mandarc seems overwhelmed and, strangely, almost close to tears.
I just want Trelaine to get what's coming to him. I hope you can help the mages. I really do.

Cedric breaks the silence of the two telepathic conversations. "Where did Davian and Ben go?"

"The Archmage left a little while ago, looking for Dexx. I wasn't present for Askuwheteau's departure, but I understand he and Davian performed a High Ritual seeking answers from The Thunderbird regarding Vlad. Results were encouraging...(Sebastian proceeds to fill the group in on what transpired).

"It was all very impressive, really. It's a pity you had to miss it." Miriam laments.

"Well thankfully the night is still young. Shall we all go to the Blue Velvet and celebrate the evening's victory?" Cedric interjects.

"I'm not leaving the Master's side." Miriam states.

"I don't think I should either. In case Dexx comes back." Mandarc agrees.

Áine nods at Miriam's declaration "Trelaine's cathedral is no doubt in chaos. Even if he doesn't order a reprisal, it might come anyway. Someone should hold court at the BV though, that's the second most obvious target."

"Come on Mandarc, this'll be good for you. I'll drive." Cedric pleads. "Áine, are you coming? It would be good to catch up."

Áine nods easily. "Sounds good; I haven't had a Plasma Jane in ages."
Turning to Jia: "It was a pleasure to meet you Fūrén, please honor with with any future service you require."
To Sebastian: (a performative bow for Jia's sake).
Miriam: Last chance. Sesbastian is going to bore you to tears talking about Music Theory...

Lila lifts the sealed bag. "I am going to take these back to the Townhouse and start analyzing them. Any stooge of Trelaine's stupid enough to assault a Mage's tower is one less we have to deal with. Fūrén, Sebastian. Miriam. Lila opens a portal to a cavernous library, shelves groaning from floor to ceiling but pauses on the threshold.
Oh, Sebastian...if I may ask: when is Moonrise coming out? You announced it a year ago..."
To Cedric and Mandarc Well squeakhearts, thanks for an amazing night, time for the boring part. Enjoy your drink, i'll catch up next time.

Too surprised by the question to dissemble, Sebastian says the honest truth. "It's done, I'm just waiting for peak demand. I'll send over a signed 'pre-release'."

Surprise wars with outrage on Lila's face "So it's true! That would be amazing." Lila steps through and the portal winks shut.

"Avoiding her own after-party, what style." Cedric says with affection.
"It's just as well for her to avoid the limelight. Who knows who'll be at the BV. I'm sure word will get around fast and --"

But Mandarc interrupts him. "Hey, fucker, wasn't it your bleach blond head up there on their stage pulling stakes outta innocent victims? Who they gonna recognize, huh?"

"You may have a point."
"Anyway, Miriam, you gonna be okay here? Is Sebastian staying here with you?"

"Yes, Mandarc, I will be here. No one knows I am here, and it is better if it stays that way for now. Go celebrate your victory...both of you; this was a great coup, one Trelaine will not soon forget."

Miriam, who has been tending to Jia's wounds, replies, "Yes, I'll be fine. You go on. We'll be here." She looks gratefully toward Sebastian. "And I'd like to take some time to get to know Jia, while she heals."

"Fair enough. Remember, you always have the Net. We'll be back in a flash." Cedric says, reassuringly.
The three line up in front of Cedric's hunter green Cadillac. "It's kind of sad...Going out there but not taking the old man. I'm sorry you came back when you did, Áine."

Nonsense. Tonight was fated: I, with an impossible task, you, on an impossible mission. Together, we gave the finger to Trelaine and I fulfilled my contract. Besides, if Lila is just an apprentice, I suddenly like the chances of Vlad recovering." Áine looks over the car "You've put some more time into the old girl since I last saw her, nice work."

"Thanks for that -- I have. Although it seems as soon as I replace one thing, something else breaks. But I've got a great parts dealer. You still riding your bike?" Cedric inquires and then opens the car.

Soon, they go down the driveway, zoom past the barrier and head into the world of the Mundane, headed for the Blue Velvet.

"Yup, but mostly just for fun...most of my jobs these days don't off the opportunity." Áine stretches on the fine leather.
"It's nice to lean back."

Mandarc, sitting shotgun, turns around to face Áine. "Through all the hullabaloo, I don't know that we were properly introduced. I'm Mandarc Soo." He reaches over the side of the seat and extends his hand. "How do you know Straud?"

"Áine Baird, pleasure. Well, I met Straud through my Sire, Bronald Weasley."

Mandarc seems to get a lump in his throat, and swallows awkwardly. "Bronald Weaslie, huh? What's kept you away for so long?"

Cedric interjects just as tensions get high on the road. "Oh, Mandarc, be nice. Áine, please don't mind him. He's just a little jealous of Weaslie."

"Jealous?! I'm not jealous, it's just...."

"Don't worry, after today, you have nothing to be jealous of."

"I guess it has been almost a decade. Long story short, Mandarc, the circumstances of my Embrace and Neonate period left me a bit of a loner. I didn't meet Vlad until much later, and it was him who recognized that I was a childe of his line."

There is a mournful pause in the car as Áine talks of her younger years. Mandarc breaks the silence.
"I...I'm sorry it happened that way. I...I don't remember my Embrace. But I do remember always being surrounded by people. It got a little lonely, always being the odd man out, but at least I wasn't alone."

Cedric continues, changing the topic. "You were there after Jia Hua, right? How did she end up there? Is Trelaine really going across the seas to chase down poets and artists?"

"That's sweet of you, but I've had more than a century to get over it; I probably wouldn't have met Baba had Bronald been around, and she taught me much."
To Cedric "Appears so - whether this has to do with his desperate rush for Mages, I can only speculate, but he has been targeting 'low hanging fruit' - Kindred and Kine of intellectual potential who are isolated. I don't think he realized how well-connected Jia is; most of his other victims have few potential defenders."

"And he's spreading his passion for diablerie around the world....To Kindred that never would have dreamed of committing such crimes. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic." Cedric says quietly.
"Anyway we're almost there --"

"Baba? Baba Yaga? You trained under THE Baba Yaga?" Mandarc perks up.

"Yup. I was her apprentice for 60 years. Still talk occasionally, though things are different now."

"I can only imagine." Cedric states, trying not to seem too in awe of the vampiress, lest it be unseemly.
The truth was that he'd been experiencing a block on some of his abilities. And he had little idea of how to go about alleviating the problem. It certainly wasn't something he wanted to talk about.
"What's our official stance on Vlad, so we can get it hammered out before we get there. I think we can get away with saying the old man is under the weather today, and maybe tomorrow..."

"Vlad is a busy guy; something came up. It's Monday night...; if someone gets pushy say he is out with Davian Hughes."

"Haha, that'll take care of the onlookers." Cedric remarks. "It's a double-fold problem. Not only am I worried about the hangers-on but I worry about the guys. They really look up to the old man. But I'm sure he'll wake soon enough."
"Anyway, we're here. I'll get Frankie to park us. Welcome back home, Áine."

The Blue Velvet is quiet tonight. A handful of mortals are drifting around smoking cigarettes against the outer brick wall.

"You'll notice the outer wall has been replaced. Funny story about that..." Cedric says.

"Fake it till we make it, Cedric." Áine steps out of the car and spends a moment looking at the BV facade.
"It has been too long..." Putting an arm around Mandarc and Cedric she steers them to the door.
"Now, let's celebrate. First round's on me".

"That's what I'm talking about. It's been too long, Áine. Glad to have you back." Cedric says, genially. "Are you ready to step into the world of the mundane?"

Frankie takes the car keys and tips his hat to Cedric, Mandarc, and a face he recognizes but can't quite place.
The trio walks into the busy speak-easy and survey the presentation. The stage, quiet for the evening, sits with curtain drawn. The numerous booths lining the area are mostly full of people, even for a Monday night. They turn their attention toward the bar and wave down the barkeep.

"Vandy B.! Look who showed up! Three of the usual, please." Vandy is a salty-looking thinblood, covered in tattoos and piercings. Cedric, taking command, looks down the bar. He turns to his companions before doing a double-take at the darkened profile sitting at the end of the row.
"Hold on a second, guys." Cedric steps away and walks up to the individual, sitting alone facing his drink. "Gwydion?"

The young man at the end of the bar looks up sharply, long glossy black hair falling away from an angular, fine-featured face. He stands as Cedric approaches, extending a hand in greeting, but his expression is carefully neutral.
"Hello Cedric, how have you been?"

He smiles genially. "Never been better. Well, almost. Regardless, it's a good night."
Something about Gwydion seems guarded and Cedric is unsure whether he wants to press it. He is suddenly at a loss for words.
"Well my friends and I are celebrating tonight and I invited along a couple of the Magicademy alum. You're welcome to join us."

Mandarc waves awkwardly from the other side of the bar.

Violet eyes regard Cedric for a moment. "I suppose it's useless to refuse. What are we celebrating?" Gwydion takes a sip of his curious green drink before walking over to Áine and Mandarc with Cedric, the sable folds of his long greatcloak just brushing the floor.

"A victory for Magekind as well as the Kindred." Cedric sits down at the square booth and scoots over, allowing a generous amount of room for Gwydion to join the party. "Mandarc and I were accomplices to a great heist, one in which we fried some hundred of Trelaine's followers."
"I guess by 'we' I mean, her, our magefriend. A gigantic fireball, I'm sure you can imagine." Cedric continues his tale, lively and animated.

"Don't neglect to mention," Mandarc interrupts, "that we interrupted a gruesome diablerie ceremony." He keeps his voice low. "Thankfully we ended up saving the lady but yeesh. It was going to be the end of the road for her."

"Áine, this is Gwydion. He's a fellow alum of the Magicademy."

Gwydion slides into the booth and nods easily at Áine and Mandarc, his aloof demeanor fading slightly at the news.
"Áine? Gwydion Yanúla.You are as radiant as your namesake."
"I see, well, I'll certainly drink to that; anything that sticks a finger in that monsters' eye earns my approval. (he raises his glass in toast). Where is this courageous mage?"

"Lila Black. She's in her sanctuary, checking on the things we pilfered." Cedric says. "We didn't get as much as I expected to find but it seems his lab is somewhere else. Still, it should be enough to try to figure out his approach. And any resource in our court is something out of his."
Cedric rises when he sees a familiar face. "Kevin! Join us!" He motions Kevin Marscapone back to the usual booth.

"Is it true?" Kevin has bright auburn hair and seems out-of-time in a blue tailcoat. He approaches Cedric. "The fire at the cathedral?"

"How did you hear?"

"My mother's circle. She just received the call. She still knows people in Brooklyn."

"Soon the whole world will know." Cedric says severely.

"Good. Let them know that Trelaine isn't invincible; that his nose can be bloodied in the center of his own house. Perhaps they will even feel a little shame that it wasn't their team that performed this daring raid."

Soon the barkeep comes back to the table and brings a plasma jane to each of Mandarc, Cedric, and Aine.

"Does anyone drink tea? Can you bring us a round of green tea, Vandy?" Kevin asks.

Everything done to keep up appearances. Cedric, in his wish to keep up spirits, reminds the party of who's missing tonight.
If anyone asks, it's none of their business.

Áine raises her glass and shares a glance with her companions "To the Three Mouseketeers!"

The group raises their glasses to celebrate the day. Bubbles roll and the night gets off to a lively start.
Suddenly a Malkavian, so hunched over as to seem a goblin, clamors over to the table in a rush.
"Gehenna!! The end times are upon us!" She wails and grasps at the edge of the wooden table with sharpened nails. "Fire will fall from the sky! So it was foretold!"

"Aroint thee witch" Áine grunts, and glares. (Intimidation+Manipulation)
Áine's eyes seem to glow for a moment as she stares down at the Malk, naked threat in her face, her aura enhanced by the Vitae fed from her ring.

The craven woman is silent a moment, looking around as if lost. She walks away from the table, but slowly, unsteadily.

"Excuse me, it's my job to take care of things like this." Cedric weaves out of the booth and goes to persuade the woman to leave the establishment.

Gwydion waits until Cedric leaves then fixes Áine with a steady gaze "You raise a toast to the three of them, presumably this Lila, Mandarc, and Cedric, as if you weren't there...but you were there?"

"I was there for my own reasons; their reasons and mine intersected when they resolved to rescue my target. I wasn't there for most of it, but I did get to see the big boom. It was most impressive."

Vandy finally brings refreshments to the table. You get the sense of a low level enchantment on the table.

Soon, Cedric returns. "Regretfully, I had to turn someone out. But hopefully I've persuaded her to never return."

Gwydion traces some runes on the table with the condensation from his glass, letting the enchantment from the table reflect through, causing them to glow ever so slightly.
"Thank you Cedric. And you as well, Áine, that seemed... more than coincidental."

"You're welcome. She seems familiar." Cedric says. "I'm sure I know her from somewhere."

"Their clan enjoys a relatively high standing in the Camarilla. Not that they're doing much lately that I agree with, but..." Mandarc muses.

Cedric watches Gwydion out of the corner of his eye. He could produce similar effects, he thought, but they'd only be illusions. Tricks of the mind. None of it would be real.
But maybe that could change.

Davian soars through the sky, following the spirit-trail of Dexx, while his mind composes a holo-message for Cedric Diggory.
Cedric. The ritual was a partial success. Thunderbird gave us the way to awaken Vlad: we must telepathically address him with his true name. He also gave us a vehicle, a person who would be able to understand and speak Vlad's original speech: Emmitt Skinner. As for his True Name, Thunderbird felt we could do that ourselves...some of that 'you already know the answer' BS. After some thought, I believe Quarq might be a good start to any investigation. Good luck. Oh, and I spoke to Lila...well done, though I fear we have fired the first shot of open war. One more thing...I sense the spirit of Gwydion Yanúla with you. Despite his reputation, I think he would be of use to you, and he can be trusted, I will vouch for him personally.
The message complete, Davian encodes it with an image of himself and makes it interactive, giving it all the information he knows about the subject. Finally, he expands his consciousness across the city; finding Cedric, he sends the spell directly to his mind.

Cedric suddenly comprehends the message as if he's had a daydream. It takes him a moment to come back to reality afterward.
"I just got a message from the Magister." He relays the message to Mandarc, Áine, Gwydion, and Kevin. They need to find Quarq.
"I think he's here tonight, we just need to locate him. Áine, Gwydion, d'you want to come with me to find him?"

Mandarc breaks with the usual chatter and sends a telepathic message. It is certainly true that Trelaine will take this as a declaration of war. They've been at an uneasy truce over these past twenty years. I'm glad we shot first.

"Of course, after one more Plasma Jane. Small talk is thirsty work."

"I will accompany you Cedric. Davian's message hints at things of great interest to me, and I hold no ill-will towards Vampires. I wouldn't be so hypocritical."

"One more drink for the lady, I think we can manage that." Cedric waves down Vandy, who is working both the bar and tables. He orders another round for the booth.
"Indeed Davian's message suggests we get a primer in foreign language. It would be good to have you there. I just hope Quarq doesn't think we're trying to intimidate him."

"I can always go spectral if necessary; three's a crowd...though I will need to grab a bite at some point."

"Really?" Gwydion stares at Áine deadpan.

Áine smirks back and tosses her hair. "I thought you 'held no ill-will towards vampires'"

It is Gwydion's turn to smirk before responding. "Dear Áine, I did say that, and so I will speak no more on your eating habits; I do hope you will extend me the same professional courtesy if the need should arise." Gwydion turns to Cedric afterwards and they share a meaningful look.

Sensing the change in tone, Áine decides to play along until she can get more information. "Of course, Gwydion, you do seem the type." Áine then finishes her drink in a single swallow before droping it gently back on the table. "What happened to that little shit Caleb Vatore, anyway?"

"I suppose you don't know." Cedric wears a darkened face. "A vampiress came to town a few years back. Trente Gagarin. She's famous in the mortal world for voicing Rini Endymion in the reboot of Sailor Moon, so we've all taken to calling her the Moon Princess." Don't even get me started on the reboot of that show for mortal eyes. He transmits as an aside.
"She's an otherworldly creature and she's not welcome here. But Caleb Vatore's been caught up in her spell. He's chasing her skirt. His father believed the old fairy tales that the Moon Princess and her family were visitors from the Umbra. Caleb believes he's filling a crucial role in a prophecy. I do not blame him for his actions -- he's likely fallen under her glamour -- but siding with the Moon Princess makes him my enemy."
"I never wanted it to be this way but what can be done?"

"I see, what a shame. Sorry to inadvertently put my foot in it; in retrospect, he was always conscious of his thin blood, not surprising that he is looking for something that elevates his status."
"I guess the second question is 'do you want me to take care of it?"

"While I admit her worship would be weaker without followers, we should think about what the old man would want. He probably would want us to use the art of diplomacy if possible. I mean, I think he has violated his own advice before but that doesn't mean he'll extend such consideration to us."
"I don't know. I want the little twerp dead but I also need Vlad on my good side. For my own interests."

"'Art of diplomacy' usually means we wait for them to attack us, which is never my preferred way of operating; but, His house His rules. Sorry for the diversion. Let's find Quarq."

"I think he's working the back tonight since Vandy is working the front. Let's go to the office upstairs and see what we can find."

"After you, Cedric." Gwydion rises gracefully and holds his hand out for Áine.

Áine takes his hand and rises, then looks around the room while she waits for Cedric and Mandarc.

Cedric and Mandarc lead the way, going past Vandy and the fully laden bar. They are in a narrow corridor that leads to the rear kitchen and storage and, as their need requires, upstairs to the private office.
This office is where Vlad often hid during the long shifts at the Blue Velvet. It was quiet, and Cedric looked forward to escaping the hullabaloo of the noisy night.
They walk up the stairs and glance sideways at the art on the walls, curiously lacking any photographs, instead boasting mostly abstract paintings.
Cedric knocks on the door. "Quarq, you in there?"
Quarq's distinctive voice answers, "Hold on a moment..." And you hear shuffling on the other side of the door.

Áine tenses, suddenly on-edge and attempts to use her supernaturally acute senses to gather information about what's inside the room. (What does she hear, how many heartbeats/footsteps does she detect, does she smell anything unusual?)

The room sounds empty except for Quarq shuffling about, opening and closing file cabinets. Suddenly the door swings open and there is stands a diminutive man with oversized ears, completely bald. But he's reliable, and his close friendship with Vlad demands you pay him respect.

The four of you crowd into the office, where Quarq stands opposite you, leaning toward you behind the desk with his arms spread out over the edge. "How can I help you boys?" He smiles, baring teeth like daggers, "And Lady, of course."

"Vlad has fallen into torpor. Against his will. We think you can help us wake him."

A dimly lit sconce reflects off the sweat on his brow. "You think...I...can help the Captain? I don't know boys..."

But Cedric insists, leaning over the desk. "It's a little thing. But not many can help us. You've known Vlad longer than anyone I can think of. Do you know his True Name?"

Sweat beads on his forehead.
"Boys...I haven't spoken Tellurian Basic Neural Assembly in quite some years. I don't even really speak it so much as --"

"You don't have to speak it. We have someone who can speak it. We just need to know his True Name." Cedric insists.

"That's not exactly something you go blabbing to the first Lurian that walks in the door." Quarq shuffles over his stance.

"Why the hesitation Quarq? You appear to have the information we need, and we have someone who can learn and 'speak' that name..., Emmitt Skinner, a young man known to Straud and the Coterie. There is little risk in your helping us, and much in prolonging 'The Captain's' torpor."

"And how do you know that the Captain isn't purposely avoiding us all? He has his own ways and priorities." He mumbles a little bit. "I don't like being the one to give up his secrets. It makes me look bad."

Gwydion takes quick breath before speaking "Quarq, everyone, including an Archmage of the Order of Hermes, is involved; the longer this continues, the more upset Straud will be when he does wake up, right? IF he wakes up, and that's the real threat. Everyone here agrees to take the blame for this; I will even say I ripped it from your mind by force...if necessary." By the end, Gwydion's voice was full of quite convincing menace.

"There's no need to be so hasty...I'll cooperate. I'm as worried about the Captain as anyone else." He affects a dramatic sigh. "I just never saw it all coming to this. Times just keep getting worse and worse."
"Just do me a favor, OK? I'll visit the Straud Mansion and see the kid but don't let word get around that I'm a source of gossip. I'm only doing this because you asked me to."

"No one will hear of the source from us; we promise" (Áine glares at the others until they join in with a half-hearted 'we promise').

"Mandarc, Emmitt's asleep this time of night? You were tasked with looking after him."

"He's in his room, probably getting ready for bed."

"If we leave now, we can probably get him before he's asleep." Cedric says. "But we'll have to cut our evening of celebration short."

"Hopefully we'll have something more to celebrate by the end, though. Let's roll."

The group, now reaching five, files out of the room and backtracks to the table downstairs. "Kev, you coming with? We need another car."

"Of course." Kevin replies.

They are just about to leave through the front door when, in the doorway, is the Camarilla Prince, Tomas Ortega. He wears a white suit and tie with a blue shirt, standing upright, looking all together an imperious Ventrue.

"Going somewhere?"

Áine tightens her fists reflexively before making a very small nod and bearing her teeth "Tomas. An unexpected pleasure. Yes, we're off to get a snack before the night is old; you know what they say 'drink before your Hungry'."

"So strange, your coterie dining in a group. Do you share?" Tomas smiles, coyly. "Before I turn you loose into the night, can I bother you to let me know where your Master the Count might be found? I was hoping to get a statement from him regarding Massacre that occurred tonight."
"Particularly, you, Cedric." Tomas's eyes burrow into the young man. "Where is your Master?"

"My Master is Vincent Marscapone." Cedric says coldly.

"Oh really, yes, that's right. Recently returned from the dead. Again." Tomas flippantly gestures. "So then who is the Count to you? Really?"

"We've got to go, Tomas." Mandarc steps forward.

There is a pause broken only by the cold night air flowing in through the doorway. "It's too bad I won't get to talk to you all tonight. Happy Hunting." and he ducks through the crowd and into the Blue Velvet.

No longer impeded, you continue to the valets who fetch your cars as soon as you are in eyesight. Kevin volunteers to drive Quarq, leaving Cedric, Mandarc, Áine, and Gwydion in Cedric's car.

"Traffic shouldn't be too bad this time of night." Cedric comments, diplomatically.
That is, unless you'd rather travel your own way? Cedric transmits to Gwydion.

Gwydion Áine over surreptitiously, before opening one of the rear doors and motioning her inside. I think I will travel with you this time; this way I'm on-hand.

"Off to Widowshild -- it's just down the street from the Mansion." Cedric climbs in the driver's seat of the car and takes the lead, Kevin in his teal jalopy following close behind.