PIDGE 010: Tantamount

Miriam removes her phone from her pocket and notes the time. 9:22 PM, Jan 30, 2022. It is 45 outside, overcast, almost drizzly. The year has gone without snow.
She had been looking over the tree encyclopedia given to her by one of the scurrying imps. But she closes it, her attention wavering. She sits in the chair, chilled in sorrow.
You know, it's true that our kind, that is to say, the Vampire, is prone to fits of sleep of even years at a time, but to put one asleep against his will is truly an unforgivable offense.

Davian stares into the fire, waiting for Ben to return. Their plan held little risk, at least physically, but Davian is uncharacteristically nervous. I'm used to being in control; running the show. Not at the mercy of someone else...even Ben.
He glances over at Miriam, surprised to see her shrunken into herself, vulnerable. But then, her Lord and Mentor lies insensate.
"Miriam, what was that book Lila's imp gave you?"

"Something calming. An identification guide to North American trees. I've only just returned recently and I was stunned to see that Straud has so many friends. It is good, I think you will be able to do something to help him. I am so glad; in the old times, he wandered alone. For so many years... I think he was afraid of hurting those he cared about."

"Power attracts problems. I cannot claim as many years as I suspect Vlad possesses, but I have lost much, suffered much due to my Awakening. I have no regrets, but it becomes easier to be alone. Not better, but easier."
Davian gives her a warm smile "Thankfully there are those stubborn and loyal enough to worm their way past his defenses."

"He needs protection, now more than ever. It is startling to think how much time he spent wandering alone. It is good that this did not happen during those times."
She closes her eyes. "I will stay here until he wakes. I am prone to wanderlust, but let it be put aside for now. It is the least I can do after all he has done for me."

Davian nods and turns back to the fire, satisfied that some of Miriam's dolor had evaporated.
Moments later, there is a rustle outside and then Ben is striding into the room, lambent eyes focused.

"I have all that I need; it was trivial to find these things even in this...desert. The fire will be helpful, let us prepare."
Moving chairs like children's toys, Ben piles them over in the corner next to the coffee table while Davian wisely rolls up the carpet with a twirl of his finger, leaving the bare stone exposed.
Ben sits gracefully in front of the fire and unties the pouch from his belt, removing each reagent separately. Motioning to Davian to sit next to him, he begins to draw a series of images between himself and the fire: abstract symbols and glyphs as well as pictograms. It takes several minutes, but eventually Davian and Ben are surrounded by a circle of these drawings.
"It is time. Miriam; you may stay, but do not engage the Spirit; without the protection and appeasement of my circle, I cannot promise your safety."

"I'll stay back unless I am needed."

"What would you have me do, Askuwheteau?"

"I do not know how you practice your Magic, Davian, but be open to your Source, your Gnosis. Most spirits that travelers encounter have once been mortal; their memory of that time creates a connection that helps them to understand and be understood. This spirit is Ancient. Old when my people first came to Turtle Island, it is powerful, wise, and capricious; and it seldom communicates with beings such as us."
With that, Ben begins to chant in a sonorous rhythm. He lights a clay lamp in front of him and uses its flame to ignite a bundle of herbs. Once the herbs have caught completely, he snuffs the flame by bringing the wrap down into a bowl of salt and uses the smoke to trace flowing designs in the air that hang in front of the fire rather than dissipate. The designs begin to move, slowly forming a ring around the fire. Ben stops singing and there is an expectant pressure in the air.

There is no sound when the Thunderbird appears on this plane. There is only the scent of storm, of trees wet, of heavy clouds saturated with rain. The incense is snuffed out by a burst of wind and the nearby candles flicker.
"Askuwheteau, last of your kin. I know why you have summoned me. I see this house, this plane, this world. This being your friends call Straud dwells in a shadow that stretches across the cosmos. You are not the only one who has an interest in his fate. Speak quickly to sway my favor; I do not intend to tarry long in this foreigner's home."

Askuwheteau bows from the waist, his forehead touching the floor.
"Honored One, Cloud Dancer, Stormlord - I humbly ask your guidance: the Shadow deepens, enemies stir, and I smell death on the wind. Straud has been a true friend to The People, sacrificing his own for us and our future; now he is in need, and I fear that we shall need his strength in the struggle to come."

"You will have my strength, do not forget that, Thunderwalker. As for the man from another world, I cannot interfere with these squabbles. Do not struggle in the quicksand. Remember your own strength."
"But I know you, little one. You are not easily dissuaded. It is true that the foreigner has treated my people with respect and consideration beyond what I had expected. This enchantment that's been placed on him is something even the Incanter may find impossible to simply dispel."
"His kind is strange to us but I have learned a little about them. You may be able to rouse him from torpor by speaking his True Name in his native tongue, a telepathic pattern more akin to a computer's binary than speech. No ordinary man may utter the syllables, nor would your mage so easily grok such a foreign speech. But -- There is one near you who may be inspired to this capability. He is half human but perhaps the knowledge can be coaxed from his ancestral memories. His name is Emmitt Skinner, a young boy rescued by Straud from the hands of Gagarin and her coterie. As for where you may find someone who knows your friend's True Name, I leave that up to you."

"Thank you, He Who Breaks The Sky. I will remember. Nixkamich is foreign to his world, but he has lived here long enough to call it home; I seek only to repay a debt long overdue. "
Ben bows again, and the runes around him begin to fade, slowly breaking down into a blurry haze. As the image of the Thunderbird slowly disintegrates, Ben chants a ritual farewell:
"I live with your words in my heart and your hand on my shoulder; I am your instrument in this world. Until you call, Hurricane Eye."

As the Thunderbird leaves the plane, he sweeps up the offering with a miniature storm, in a quick second leaving not a trace.

As the ozone dissipates and the room returns to normal, Davian stands and stretches, his expression thoughtful.
"That went quite well, I think...we have a lead and I have learned a few things of interest. Of great interest."

Ben clean the floor before responding, making sure that no trace of the symbols remain. Task complete, he stands and faces Davian. "The trail is before us, yes, but our quarry is far ahead, and we will not be able to use this ritual again on this matter." The huge man neatly repacks the medicine bag and restores the carpet and furniture.
"I must reflect on what was said; by the look on your face it seems we both do." Ben makes to leave, pausing on the threshold of the sliding door and turning back to Davian.
"You know how to contact me. May the Great Spirit watch over us."
Ben passes through the door, there is the sound of ruffled feathers, and then a piercing cry.

Davian reaches into his pocket for another joint before turning to Miriam.
"I normally don't chain smoke, but after that a little calm is welcome; Even for me that was...impressive. The spiritual pressure was incredible."

"I've never known a shifter. But after that..." Miriam brings her arms around herself, as if cold. "I will make sure to stay on Ben's good side."
"I'm afraid I don't know Straud's True Name. I've known him for a long time, but it's nothing he's ever shared with me." Her yellow eyes wander.

Davian takes a long drag before responding. "Indeed. It is easy for some of us (he gestures to himself and Miriam with the joint) to dismiss the Shifters as mere brutes. Ben is a reminder that they are Gaia's Chosen. And the Thunderbird...we were witness to a God, make no mistake."

Sebastian rises through the floor in a puddle of blood, having invoked the ancient portal Vlad and he had made. His blade is in his hand as he steps out of the circle, eyes casting back and forth, stepping silently through the shadows. He pauses only momentarily at Vlad's Bier. He cannot help but try where all others have failed; when he too does not succeed, he sheathes his blade and starts up the stairs, ready to assume command from those two buffoons.

Some occult sense warns Davian to look over as a young, almost impossibly handsome face rises from the basement; a face very familiar to any fan of cinema. Davian's mind works quickly and he turns to Miriam for confirmation.
"Sebastian Erikksson is a Vampire?"

At the mention of his name, Sebastian decides to spent a blood point and cross the remaining distance in a single step, his image blurring as he appears next to Davian in a flash.
"You have me at a disadvantage Sir. You know my name, but I do not know yours. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Sebastian transfers his cane and extends his hand, a look of placid geniality on his face.

Miriam stands by as the men greet each other. Two firecrackers.
She had last seen Sebastian at the New Year's party, which she'd learned was an annual event for his coterie. It had been so long since she'd seen him, and here he'd created such an impressive family... He'd changed.
And yet, everything was coming together, and she feared it signaled the coming of the End.
"Sebastian. It is good to see you again. This is Davian, and he is a friend to the coterie."
"It is good you have come. Cedric and Mandarc have just left. They are performing a covert mission against Trelaine."

Davian meets Sebastian's gaze before reaching forward and taking Sebastian's iron grip. "Davian Hughes, Archmage of the Order of Hermes. What a pleasure to meet you; I had no idea you were a Friend of Vlad's."

Archmage. I see. Sebastian nods as he releases his grip, maintaining eye contact. "Very Old Friends. Vlad found me a Crusader, and gave me a new cause."

Davian's eyes widen slightly Crusader! before nodding imperceptibly "A cause that I, too, have sworn to aid. We are a mongrel group...(Davian smirks impishly) you just missed the Shifter."

It is Sebastian's turn for surprise. Vlad managed to earn the trust of an Archmage. But I suppose for him... Recovering quickly, Sebastian continues
"Askuwheteau. We've met; an honorable man. So he is helping...good. I regret I could not come earlier, but I must maintain the Masquerade. What do we know? (Sebastian sniffs the air) Smoke? and this house rings like a bell with spiritual energy, what has happned?"

Davian's grin fades as he relates everything he knows, including the events of today. If Sebastian was truthful in his hint, he must be Vlad's Captain. 1000 years...perhaps he could pick Sebastian's brain about a few things, once they get to know each other better...

"It is too bad," Miriam chimes in, once the men have finished relaying the news, "that Ben has left. You'll recall our dearest friend has been fostering a canine, Dexx, within these walls. But he's gone missing. If you'll recall -- Davian performed a rather impressive magical feat where he showed us the last 24h of time -- Vlad sent the dog away with a swift "shoo". But the dog hasn't returned..."

"I will message him shortly to confirm, but I believe he is already on watch...though perhaps I can whip something up." Davian begins to think of a ritual.

Miriam raises her gaze to look at Sebastian. "Unless you have a counter-arguement, I think it best to keep this from the Camarilla. But we should assume the news will get there eventually, through whatever avenues."

Sebastian arches an eyebrow. "Why would I alert an adversary to a tactical weakness? You know me better than that, Miriam. Likewise, I won't be making any social calls unless absolutely necessary. Anything abnormal will arouse suspicion, and I am sure we are being watched as part of standard protocol. The shifter alone will start rumors, but none will connect him to what is happening. Perhaps we can even use his visits to our advantage..."

It was true that she'd known his ties to the Camarilla wouldn't be enough to overwhelm his loyalty to their old friend... But she'd had to say something.
"Straud was supposed to make an appearance at the Blue Velvet tonight. Shall I send word to Quarq that he won't be coming? Unless we should think to send an illusion in his place."

"No. If someone pierced the illusion it would be far more damning than if Vlad just didn't show. Maybe the missing dog...he is looking personally. That might also draw out the opportunistic so we can take care of them pre-emptively."

Davian, content to leave the two Vampires to their scheming, gathers his focus and fixes the image of Dexx in his mind. Here boy (rolling Mind, Correspondence, Life, Time: Looking for Dexx, his life signature, or sightings of him over the last 24hrs.)

Splotches of pale red appear in various places around the house; when you note the concentration in the dog's bed near the door, you figure out that this is a trail of the dog's Spirit. It bounces around the foyer and then out the door.

"Speaking of the dog, I think I have a lead. I'll return shortly; hopefully with Dexx or some more information."
Davian nodes to both of them and steps out into the night.

The trail of the dog's spirit bounds all over the front of the house and you are immediately privy to some of the dog's favorite bushes and smelling-spots. It meanders around but there is a solid line trailing down the driveway, darker, and seeming more recent than the others.
You follow the trail until it leads to the cul-de-sac's statue -- a rather poor facsimile of the man himself. This statue formed a marker, a doorway into the mundane world at large. The statue seems to loom over the area, watching over his landholdings. If you venture further than this point, you will be walking through the boundary-ways that form the edge between Straud's demi-plane and Jamaica Estates.

Davian pauses and scrutinizes the statue while the cool night air flows around him.
I wonder how you'll feel when you wake up to find the curtain pulled back...
Shrugging his shoulders to release some tension, Davian turns away from the statue and jumps into the air, form blurring even as he leaves the ground. A large Great Horned Owl with curious feather markings soars into the air without a sound, eyes intent on the glowing trail below.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Lila, Cedric, and Mandarc scurry through a sink pipe, bound for Trelaine's spooky Cathedral of Sabbat fame...
The party is quiet for a time, focused entirely on getting their rat-bodies to navigate the thin pipe. It's a small passage and the air is thin.
So I don't think I ever asked you, Mandarc; Cedric's voice rings in his companion's minds. What was the final straw that broke the camel's back when you were considering leaving Trelaine?

Lila grimaces, the expression twisting her rat-visage in strange ways, before nipping Cedric on the bottom. It is hard to leave your family, even if you know their crimes and have suffered through their abuse. Most vampires don't have Carlisle Cullen over there as their Sire.

Aie ~ Feisty! You're no wilting violet, are you? He laughs, the small squeaks sounding weird in the mind's ear. I wasn't trying to get anyone's goat necessarily, just making conversation. To tell the truth, basically everyone I know has met the guy and has reasons to hate him, except me. I'm just here because all my friends say he's a bastard.
Cedric seems to allow space for Mandarc to speak, but he remains curiously quiet.
You OK over there, Mandarc? Cedric's tone shifts from jovial to gently concerned.

He pauses a moment. Yeah. I'm OK. The tight space is kind of tweaking me out.

They continue to crawl through the tunnel. The heavy metal scent of the pipe seems to be decreasing in intensity, and the light level is slowly increasing. No one is saying anything, hopeful to get out of the tunnel, when Mandarc suddenly stops short and begins to cry out in pain.
Both of you turn 'round to face him, where he is resisting doubling over to fight the sensation. Loud ring... Ringing. In my head. Pain! But neither Cedric nor Lila can hear anything.

Lila quickly pulls Mandarc back down the pipe, stopping when his 'symptoms' improve.
So much for avoiding the wards attuned to former agents...the emanation must blanket the entire facility. I have an idea though...

Rat-Mandarc sighs in relief as the pain dissipates, even if momentarily.
Thank you for that. Wow. I'm not sure I've ever felt such pain. Mandarc seems drawn into himself, shocked from the telepathic intrusion.

What did it sound like? Cedric asks. It was a ringing? Unnatural? How could they insert a mechanical sound into telepathic pathways?

Think of it as telepathic feedback. Hidden unless it is keyed to your Aura signature...clever, but not impossible to circumvent now that we know it's here and how it affected Mandarc. I am going to attempt to encapsulate his psyche, if I am successful, he will be unaffected by the ward, but, he will also be unable to communicate with us telepathically.

19 successes weaving Mind, Spirit, Life, and Correspondence to create a metaphysical barrier between Mandarc and incoming supernatural signals. This manifests as a dampening of his senses to human levels and +17 dice of countermagic against wards and other barriers.

Mandarc is finally able to relax his face, and though he is not able to see you, in his round black eyes, you are able to see what you think is gratitude. It is strange not being able to reach out to him and make sure he's alright, but you will have to make do.
Nice work. Cedric transmits as he leads the way through the tube. You catch up to where you were, look backwards, and continue through the pipe when you see that nothing is amiss.
The pipe makes a sharp turn upward and you're climbing upwards toward a dim source of light. Finally. There is a small metal grate covering the opening, but Cedric pushes against it and it quickly pops out of place, clamoring against a spherical metal sink basin. The three of you climb out of the opening to catch your breath and fully open your lungs.
The basin is small and shallow, the kind of sink that you'd find it difficult to use if you were possessed of your ordinary shape. It struggles to hold three full-grown rats, so you peek your head out over the edge to observe the room you find yourself in.
It's a cavernous wine cellar with only a singular candle, at the far end, and between you and that candle are four rows of large wine barrels. The scent of the room is heavy with mulled spice and alcohol. The floor is a loose fieldstone and looks like it hasn't been properly swept in decades.

Lila is going to use her innate forces ability to look for evidence of someone in the room (sound waves, dust in the air, electrical fields...etc.)

The room is curiously quiet. You can hear the din of humans and their heavy feet coming from above you, but only at the edge of your sense's ability; the structure you are in is made of thick stone. It seems out-of-time, this place.
You try to focus on this room and isolate yourself. The dust on the floor seems recently disturbed and you think you hear the rhythmic pulse of a heart beating.

Lila motions to Cedric and Mandarc to stay low for now.
(How close is the heart beat? Is is rapid or slow?) Do I see air patterns or turbulence in a specific direction?

The heartbeat is in the direction of the candle, down away from the safety of the sink. It is slow and measured. You sense no change in air patterns.

I can hear it too. I'm surprised there's anything alive in this dingy dungeon. Cedric seems on edge but tries to remain cheerful.

Right? All we need is some jobby-headed wankstain sitting in the basement in the dark. I am going to try to get a better look.
Lila focuses her Will and shifts her form into that of a housefly. After taking a second to reorient herself to her new body, she spreads her wings and flies straight up out of the sink and up to the ceiling before floating over near the candle and alighting on one of the barrels to get a better view of the area.

As you effortlessly float up into the air, you are bombarded by the loud buzzing that accompanies all motion in houseflies. Be careful... and you sense some genuine concern from Cedric, along with a light emotional impression, the warmth of a good friend's comforting reassurance; a hand on your shoulder.
The room is less cavernous than it originally appeared, but still large and with plenty of nooks and crannies.
Your compound eyes focus as you concentrate on remaining connected to your human-like faculties. You hover over toward the candle and finally get a better vantage point on the room.
Scrunched up in a corner is a large muscular housecat, and by the scant light in the room you can tell it's an appealing shade of orange. The cat is almost completely still, waiting on its prey to move from its hiding spot, and remains, staring off into the darkness, watching.

Getting more comfortable as Lady of the Flies, Lila makes a circuit of the room from ceiling height to confirm that we four are the only things in the room. If successful, she is going to land back on top of the casks and examine the cat with Life. (Is is a real cat or something that looks like a cat).

You examine the cat and are bombarded with the warmth of Life, complete with its fuzzy relationship with Spirit. This cat is indeed real, and something about it seems to weakly sparkle with magic. The cat is not magical, but someone with access to magic indeed loves this cat. Its fur is practically pristine, unexpected for a cat in a dusty basement wine cellar. Magical energy just barely caresses its being, like static electricity on a cold winter's day, clinging to the end of each unit of fur.
The cat is hungry, and was hoping to spring upon an unsuspecting mouse. He waits, in silence, for the squeaker that made the clatter in the sink to jump upon the floor...

Inwardly sighing, Lila readies herself for another casting, but sends a missive to Cedric to prepare him for the commotion.
Its a fat ginger tabby looking to snack on you. Could be someone's familiar or favorite pet. Going to create a distraction that will hopefully remove the feline.
Lila stares at the edge of the sink and gathers her will. With a small pop a small grey mouse appears on the edge and falls to the ground, making a beeline for the door. Lila programs a few instincts into the poor meatbag: 1) flee out of the room 2) zig-zag when running, and 3) squeak when pursued.

The spell goes off without fail. The mouse skitters effortlessly across the floor, directly into the viewing frame of the orange cat. There is a heavy pause in the room before a sudden whoosh of fur and claw bounds toward the mouse. The mouse, however, is agile and with its quick reflexes, runs out of reach of the cat's dangerous paws. The mouse titters in panic, changes direction, and leads the cat out of the room.
Give the cat what it wants. Cedric comments in approval. He turns to face Mandarc and the two nod in understanding. They jump from the sink and plop on the fieldstone floor. They are bounding toward the hallway where Lila lays in wait.
The wine cellar's entrance has a door, but it's been pushed open and by the dust on the floor, hasn't been closed in quite some time. There are a few smaller doors on this floor but they've all been shut. The candle's dim light illuminates a stone staircase set to one side of the room. A draft flows slowly from the opening in the ceiling; the slow airflow indicates to you that you are not on the only basement level, rather, the floor above you is likely below ground level as well. There is a Christmas tree, desiccated, shoved into a corner of the dusty room.
I'm glad you got us out of there. The smell of that wine was getting to me. His comment seems out of place; since when does the Vampire suffer headache?
While you are listening for any footsteps, you hear/feel a large bang on the floor, as if someone on a floor above you dropped something very heavy.

Lila files that comment away, a distant part of her mind suddenly thinking of Star Trek. The thud brings her focus back to the present and she quickly unravels the spell holding everyone in their animal forms. Waving everyone into a corner, I give Mandarc my earbuds then make a simple spell that allows Mandarc to hear and reply to our mental communication through the earbud.
Testing. Can you hear me Mandarc?

Mandarc, still orienting himself from the sudden unshift of form, steadies himself and then nods quickly.

Wonderful. Cedric, Mandarc can now hear us through my earbud when we speak telepathically, but will not be able to respond. A compromise, but one that allows us a bit more discretion.

Mandarc motions to zip his mouth closed and proceeds to say nothing.

Well, we're here. Since we don't know where the remains are being held, I guess we just start checking least there is only one direction to go.
Lila motions to Cedric and Mandarc and heads for the closest door, keeping my Forces effects active so I can 'detect magic' and other energy fields.

There are three doors on this floor. The wine cellar is the furthest one; each of the other three doors lines the hallway as you progress toward the stairs. The doors are a heavy metal, something mundane chosen just for its strength.
You choose the door adjacent to the wine cellar. The knob jiggles a little bit in its housing; if it had been possible to lock the door it no longer is possible.
Inside the room is a very faint magical aura but it seems to come from nothing openly displayed; it seems to have dissipated from what appear to be antique chests. The objects are ornately decorated in the fashion of traditional magical objects, but they appear to not have been used in quite some time.
As you step in, Cedric and Mandarc follow, seeming a little awkward in their human forms. Cedric picks up a chest and removes the lock, opening the lid. What he finds inside is a classic vampire hunter's kit, complete with stake, cross, and holy water. The holy water radiates no magic; it's a fake.

Cedric shudders. Yeah. So I guess Trelaine's into that. Surprising no one.

Mandarc traces some ornate metalwork on one of the chests but refuses to pick one up and open it.

Is this like a Jew collecting Nazi memorabilia? Lila muses as she moves to the next chest and gives it a quick examination before opening.

Based on the fittings, you think these chests are around 200 years old. The one in your hands has considerable wear and tear and you wonder if it saw some use. This one is missing the stake and the holy water is empty.
You are interrupted in your observations by the sound of Mandarc's quiet "Uhh..." come from behind you. You whiz around and see him standing in the doorway; his path is blocked by a long-haired black cat with white splotches. Your aurasight indicates it is yet another mundane cat. It stares up at Mandarc with a longing, curious look.

One of your old friends? Kitty seems to want pets.

Mandarc begrudgingly holds his hand out for the cat to sniff. The cat accepts his offer and proceeds to rub up against his leg. Mandarc makes a show of mock exasperation.

This is all well and good but if these cats can detect us then anyone else could too, if they were paying attention. They're about to start one of their sermons, so everyone must be looking the other way. I think we should take a moment to consider how we're going to continue.

I am reluctant to cast another spell, especially another continuous effect, like Invisibility. I have already cast enough to be noticed, if they were looking, as you said.
It is unlikely the remains would be held in the upper levels, exposed to lots of foot traffic. Mandarc, do you remember anything like a lab or experimentation area?

Mandarc makes as if he's going to whisper to you, but seems undecided about whether he wants to speak. Suddenly he pantomimes a Eureka! and opens his jacket to pull out a small notepad and black pen. You and Cedric both lean over to read what he's writing. He writes at a breakneck pace, so the message appears almost instantly.

Excellent. Lila looks down at the Cat then at Cedric and Mandarc. Perhaps one more continuous effect, one that masks our aura and makes us appear to be nothing more than some pampered cats wandering the cathedral.

I think it's the best possible way. Even if we blur ourselves from sight, we'll need to be spread out in the narrow hallways. It increases the chance we'll be seen.

The three of you shrink down into well-fed housecats. Cedric bounds about the room, calibrating his new set of muscles. Transfiguration is your specialty?
Mandarc looks particularly pettable with the earpiece still hovering in his ear. His fur is mostly black, with calico spots around his paws and face. He stretches and tries to look as catlike as possible.
Cedric, still trotting circles around the floor, suddenly stops and looks at the both of you.

Shh, I hear someone coming!

Lila tries to sigh, but it comes out more like a snort and begins preparing for the worst, gathering her will for another spell while she waits for the door to open.

Your hiding place is fortuitous as it seems the figure walking through the hallway is destined for the wine cellar. He peeks into doorway and spies Lila.
"Fuckin' cats." He mutters under his breath and continues on. He has a medium-sized barrel in his hands. He has greasy dark hair and is thin, almost emaciated. You can tell by your passive aura-sight that he's a thinblood.
He is quickly out-of-sight, having seen and dismissed the cats. You hear him place his barrel on the floor and open the tap, filling the basement with the sound of pouring liquid.

Lila mentally shrugs I would love to strike a blow against Trelaine, but this guy hardly seems worth the trouble. Shall we head up the stairs?

Let's. Cedric transmits. He makes for the stairs, but Mandarc cuts him off and the three of them weave up the stairs, going Mandarc first, Cedric, then Lila.
Upstairs you find a floor that is much more well-lit, featuring electric fixtures. There is a staircase that goes immediately upstairs to what you think is the ground floor but there are also rooms branching off a long hallway that extends in either direction. You hear noise coming from upstairs but here, the floor is quiet.
Wafting toward your nose is a curious smell, that of an indoor swimming pool.
Mandarc looks backward, to see if you're following, and seems to question if you'd like to pause on this floor or continue on upwards.

Let's keep moving. We can always return; I'm making a mental map of what we've explored.

When you step upstairs, you are struck immediately by a ridiculously plush carpet, primarily done in a rich shade of red.

It's the Doctor's favorite color, that scarlet. And he shudders.

Mandarc leads the way and you go through twisting corridors going what feels like crosswise through the structure. It is done primarily in a deep wood and there are pictures and you even spy on one wall what looks like a cross-stitch of notable pieces of their scripture.
Mandarc goes quickly, even locked into the form of a plain feline, and you zoom closer to the primary event chamber, where a voice can be heard echoing through the hallway. It is muffled and unclear in bits but it must be...

Trelaine. He's giving the sermon tonight.

He's reading a piece of scripture and it's nigh unintelligible between fanatical rhetoric and the tinny sound system they've got him hooked up to. But you soon figure out he's preaching about necessity of punishing heretics.
As you get closer, you hear a contrasting voice, that of a woman, "I did nothing to you, let me go!"
Mandarc looks back to you. He's reached the footfall of the stairway to the second floor and is collecting his party before he continues.

Lila freezes when she hears the woman's voice. After a second, she heads towards the 'Sanctuary', looking for a way to observe the events within.

You back away from Mandarc and head slowly in the direction of the Sanctuary, where the voice is slowly becoming clearer.
"If we were not to cull our wayward brethren, they would overrun the earth like cockroaches, and our prey would drown in the filth. Will we tolerate those who preach heresy?"
And the crowd screams out, "No! Torch the non-believers!"
You are approaching a small hallway that opens up on stage left. Somewhat hidden from the congregation by curtains, you can't see how many vampires are in the audience but judging by the volume of the exclamation, you think it must be over a hundred.
In the center of the dais is a bamboo coffin but from this side perspective, you can't see inside. You can, however, see a giant stake sticking out if the coffin and can presume that the female voice has been staked within her coffin and brought here to display in front of the church. Your magical sense picks up on the fact that the stake is ornamented in primium.

Whoever that is... Cedric stands with Mandarc behind you, watching, waiting This looks like her last stand.

How long are these sermons? It appears her immolation is imminent. We can't risk the mission right now, but if she's still here on the way back, I have some fun ideas.
Wait...I might have just the thing. It's risky, but you said almost everyone is here, right? Without waiting for a reply, she begins to tap into the Sphere of Time.
Lila manipulates the fabric of this moment, shunting the sanctuary, and everything in it, slightly out of phase with the rest of reality. In an instant, the room is silent and completely still, the audience frozen like terracotta warriors.
Right then. If someone comes into the room, the spell will be broken, so let's move.

Mandarc runs upstairs going through two floors until you're on the third floor, as he'd indicated on his notepad. He leads you down a hallway and stops at an ornamented door with a golden bell hanging down next to the doorway. The sign says "Out" in fine handwriting. This is the pastor's office.

Lila releases the transmutation spell on the three of them. It looks like there is nothing but a simple lock on the door. I have some experience, but nothing I would call professional.

Mandarc motions Me! and pulls a pin from a tiny hole in the sole of his shoe. He rushes forward and picks the lock on the door. When it opens, there is a barrier appearing as a cloud shaped as a flat wall with a small circular disc with the imprint of a hand in it.

I know of a way to bypass this, but it will require my complete focus. You two will have to cover me while I perform the ritual.

Mandarc nods. Cedric stands at the periphery of the room, trying to make sure no one is coming.

Lila spends a few moments preparing herself, then begins the unweaving ritual.

Progressively the plaque shows signs of cracking and then completely shatters apart, its remains turning to dust on the floor below. The chamber is now open to you and no more wards appear to exist.
This is Trelaine's personal office, complete with a small seating area before a small office with desk. The wall shelves have a number of bric-a-brac on them.

I am going to sweep the room with all the spheres, looking for resonance from the bones, or any secret rooms (using x-rays, neutrinos...etc).

The room is curiously sparse, though you're not sure what you were expecting. There are hardly any personal effects, there are no books, no clothes. As you walk toward the wall shelves near the desk, it appears this is the only place he's stored any items.
There are three jars labeled Subject #0736, Subject #124, and Subject #6439. They radiate magic, albeit weakly. There are two cubes of crystal, worn so smooth as to be impossibly soft and almost, but not quite, opaque.
There is also a small journal.

Fashioned a bag with a sealed lead lining. Lila is then going to use telekinesis to put the objects into the bag then seal the bag with magic so there is no seam or clasp.
I see nothing else of interest here. Mandarc, is there another space where such things might be stored? If so, lead on.

Mandarc shrugs emphatically. For the first time since the pipe, he speaks, thinking himself in the quiet of the office. He speaks quietly, looking around himself anxiously. "I know he has a lab, but for the life of me I just can't remember where it is. I know I've been there, and I should remember, but I don't."

Memory wipe. Cedric laments. The old codger has taken much from you.

It's Ok Mandarc. This whole experience has to be terribly hard for you but you've been a huge help. Just the contents of this room is a huge win.
Turning to face both of them Trelaine is a very controlled person, keen on appearances, but perhaps a little impatient? He keeps this room perfect but wouldn't want to walk to the basement when he had an idea. Let's check the level just below this one; my scans have revealed no hidden rooms in this chamber.

Mandarc leads the way, using a burst of speed to appear in the hallway. "The sooner we're out of here, the better." He says, in a voice so low you need your extrasensory capabilities to hear him.

I don't like it here either. It's an unholy house of diablerie. I'm almost considering...just leaving that woman to her fate. We don't know her from Adam and I don't want to get caught by this maniac.

All that is required for Evil is for good men to do nothing. I won't compromise the mission, but I'll be damned if I give that monster an ounce of satisfaction. I have a few options if and when the time comes.

I know you're right, I just don't like it.

Soon you find yourself on the second floor of what you presume is the "annex". The building is in magnificent condition, with ornate wood carvings around the edges of the walls. The paint is in impeccable condition. All together the building has no 'lived in feel', you suppose, simply, because the only things living here are the undead. But the building is unexpectedly large and sprawling, each hallway seems to go on endlessly in either direction. Here in front of you are confessional rooms, a row of them.

"Sorry, I...Uh. This doesn't seem right. I thought..."

Suddenly, you hear a rush of sound as the first floor ceremony comes back to life. The audience roars with raucous approval to something that was said. They've continued on without event, content in their demonic ritual.

I fear our window of opportunity is closing. The bonfire will no doubt be the climactic moment of the ceremony, and things will end shortly afterwards, sending all of these people back into the compound. We have scored a great victory today, let's swing past the sanctuary then head out. Lila's face is grim.
Just as they turn to leave, Lila sends out a barrage of invisible magical 'eyes' that are programmed to swarm down each hallway, branching off so that they map the entire facility and record the image of current appearance.
The eyes will continue to transmit their data as they walk, so Lila strides off towards the sanctuary.

The trio backtrack through the stairs until they end up back at the side entrance to the dais. It is hard to get a direct vision, but through your aura-sight, you sense Trelaine, looking over the congregation like a specter, and four other evil vampiric auras on stage. Their auras are tinged with black veins, indicating diablerists. The victim's aura is being suppressed and she almost appears mortal, making her the fifth figure on stage.
Trelaine continues to preach and at predictable intervals, the crowd cries back in agreement.

Lila activates her Battle Trance spell and the world seems to slow down to a crawl. Thankfully she is able to speak telepathically. When I give the word, pull the stake out from her chest. Once it's out, I can teleport all of us to the sewer transformed as rats again.

We'll have to be quick. I worry about the other presences on stage, but it can't be helped. I await your word.

Lila gathers her will and forms the spell in her mind: a large flock of seagulls blow off course and straight into the cathedral window...She makes sure to program a copious amount of honks, flapping, and droppings, before they manage to 'find' the exit. If killed, they will appear to be completely normal. Lila holds the spell at the last instant using Time then Nods to Cedric.

In a flash, Cedric zips past you and into the kerfuffle, where glass is fluttering down from the ceiling. It's quite cinematic, really, the chaos that such a simple gesture has invoked.
Cedric is at home rushing around the battlefield and quickly places his hands upon the stake and prepares to pull it out. One of the figures cries out, "No! She's mine!!" She lunges for Cedric and you see that she's also an adept of Celerity.

Áine sees this unfold with an air of resignation, barely hesitating before spending a blood point and using her own celerity to flash down the hallway to aid Cedric. What the fuck is he doing here?

Aine, you find yourself grappling on the floor with the vampiress who was about to be on the receiving end of this putrid show of diablerie. As you get her to the ground, you are able to see that though she is supercharged with the souls of dead vampires, she is still your inferior. You have her grappled.
Cedric succeeds in removing the stake from the immobilized vampiress and turns around to see what Aine has done on his behalf. "Aine? Is that you?" It's been years since they've seen each other and here he was, helping him. And as he stood there, sensing his moment of Celerity soon to end, he realized the vampiress being grappled was none other than Vanessa Tang, a recent convert of Trelaine's. One that had come from a family of magic-users. It was a face he'd been warned about by Vlad.
Roll initiative.

Áine pushes her opponent flat on her back, holding her at arm's length as beams of liquid fire lance from her eyes, immolating her victim. When her target goes limp, she jumps up and readies herself for the next opponent (spends 3 blood for 3 extra held actions this round).

NPC#3 throws off her robe and disappears in a show of Obtenebration. Her robes collapse lifeless to the ground. She appears over by Áine and makes a strange motion. She convulses and then retches pure shadow on Aine and you recognize the power as The Darkness Within. The inky shadow pours over Áine's form, seeping into her clothes and clinging to her person. Make a Stamina roll diff 6 to resist losing 1 blood per turn. (V20 p191)
Vanessa is unconscious so her initiative roll is skipped.

Lila surveys the room of slavery vampires, noting the fetching blonde who fried Cedric's attacker and adding her to the GTFO list. "Shazzam!" Order of operations: 1) Dragonstorm for 170 points of aggravated damage. to the audience. 2) Lila, Cedric, Mandarc, Áine, and victim vampire are transformed via hung Circe's gift spell into rats; 3) Rats are teleported into the sink.

Alright everyone, hup hup into the sink, this is where we came in and this is how we're leaving. We got what we came for.
Mandarc goes first and Cedric stays back, intending to go last.
The newcomer speaks. Thank you for getting me out of there. I was captured by those maniacs in my home country and brought here to be killed. I don't know what I did to earn their ire but.....thank you. For saving me.

You are very welcome; Trelaine and his cultists are as vile as they get. I'm Lila Black, Hermetic Mage and aspiring catburgler.

I'm Jia Hua. I've had people give me titles but I've deserved none of them. This era I was busying myself as a shut-in poet, minding my own business. I don't even know where I am.

You find yourself in Brooklyn, USA. We're headed back to Queens, if you'll come with us. Cedric states. By the way Lila, can you dispel the firewall on Mandarc? We should be far enough from the Cathedral by now.

Oops. Done. Sorry Mandarc, welcome back.

Pleasure. Glad to be out of the hellhole. Mandarc Soo, lieutenant to the Count Vladislaus Straud. In fact, that's where we're going, back to his house. So speak now if that's not a safe place for you.

I don't know your master. I'm a stranger to this land. Jia admits truthfully.

Well I'd be surprised if he didn't know you. Cedric says ominously.

What Cedric here means is the Count is quite well connected. Áine Baird, ronin vampire; pleasure to meat you Jia, and you Lila. Very impressive back there...Trelaine's ass will be smarting for some time.

Trelaine, was that the preacher's name? What a horrible representation of our kin. One of his followers, the one who kidnapped me, is a master of illusion, like nothing I'd ever seen. Is there a war going on in this land?

As long as I can remember. Cedric says, mournfully.

The Camarilla style themselves the rightful ruling body after the Treaty of Thorns, but each city struggles to maintain order. Here in NYC, the Sabbat control almost all of Brooklyn while the Anarchs hold the Bronx tightly. Hell, they only hold two of the five boroughs.

Here in America you like to vote on things, right? Jia says, with a spritely gaiety. I don't know who I'd vote for. I had only a passing interest in American politics before I was kidnapped.

I doubt very many Americans could tell you anything about China other than 'virus','Mao', and maybe, 'Xi Jinping'. But Kindred here are stuck in the middle ages. Princes have absolute power within their domains

Do not speak of the unification so casually, it could provoke some of my kin to rage. It is good the old tongues are still alive in the speech of our grandmothers. The current government makes it difficult for all but the most powerful to operate. It's a dangerous place for the Vampire today.

Lila lets the vampires sniff each other's asses as they run down the pipe, her thoughts intent on the teleport spell back. (I have just enough quint to empower our way home, but nothing left after that last blast...but man, i'll never get an opportunity like that again. Master Davian has to understand)
In moments they reach the spot where they arrived. The resonance of this location still strong, Lila begins immediately, more than ready to leave.
Prepare yourselves, ready to engage to hyperdrive After a second Lila sends everyone back.

You arrive safely in the Straud Mansion's living room, where it is a little cramped now with everyone in it.