PIDGE 013: Hourglass

A day passes in silence. Straud meditates through the high sun and receives an idea on what he's going to do. He was fairly certain that no one had noticed his absence, and if they had, one night was easy enough to wave away. What wasn't so easy was that he'd spent much longer than a night in torpor and he felt different.
The waking had been difficult. He'd been happy to realize that he'd been dreaming but the cessation...the immediate call. And as he looked back on it, the dream faded into memory like sand through the grip of an hourglass.
As the sun begins to set, he sits on the couch opposite the fireplace. Dexx comes up to him and affectionately lays his head upon his knee, begging for reassurance. He pets the dog, scratching those tender spots he just can't reach. But he only has time for a couple of pets -- the night approaches and he has much to do.

Every member of the coterie, and even those on the periphery, receive the following message.
The Blue Velvet presents
by Bianca Vacarescu
seating begins at 8 PM, curtain at 9 PM

Davian receives the gilt-embossed notice and smiles before handing it over to Lila.
"Looks like I'm treating you to a show. Be ready for 6, I'd like to have a drink or two with the Old Man prior to the performance."

In a brick townhome in Steinway, adjacent to the Magicademy, Cedric receives the notice via email. "Did you see this, AVAEL? Do you want to go?"

"I cannot leave the house unattended. Someone needs to stay back. I can perform protective measures as needed for the block."

"I know we should be wary of counter-attacks but now is a time to celebrate. Come on, the cats will be fine."

"I will only slow you down." she concedes.

"Not really."

"Give me an hour to think about it."

Mandarc, having slumbered the day away at Widowshild, rises at his Master's message. His dark eyes run over the words, piecing together the intent behind the summons.
He dresses solemnly, ensuring no thread is out of place, and runs up the hill to Straud Mansion.

When he gets there, he is surprised to find the door open. He walks in and is accosted by Dexx, who greets him warmly. "Good boy! Glad to see you back home!"

"Yes." Straud enters the foyer from the sitting room. "He returned in the early morning hours. I hope he will be alright sitting in the house alone for several hours."

"He did come back home. Maybe that's just what he wants." Mandarc pauses a moment. "Shall I drive you to the B.V.?"

"I'm ready to go." Straud and Mandarc step out onto the stoop. Straud locks the door behind them.

Parked out in front of the house is a black car, something that seems like a familiar emblem but isn't quite the same. It's a foreign make, perhaps. But it's dark and doesn't attract a lot of attention. Mandarc sits in the front seat and Straud climbs into the back.

"You should read the book's manual at some point. And perhaps a general book about maintaining a car." Straud comments.

"A mundane book, sir?" Mandarc flicks his eyes between the mirror and the road. "Isn't that what mages are for?"

"Just because a mage is capable of great things is no excuse for you to be lazy."

"Fair enough."

The pair rides to the B.V. in mostly silence, Mandarc focused on the road, Straud focused on observing the city around him. Somehow he could feel the void left by the death the night before. A weight was lifted, so many wayward souls freed to wander where they would. He was glad those followers would not be with Trelaine during the challenges ahead.
Traffic be damned, they reach the B.V., allow Frankie to park the car, and walk into the familiar establishment.

Alexander sits in a dim corner of the 'Blue Velvet', looking around the room with cold detachment. Well appointed nightclub. So far little more. He takes a sip of his drink every so often, to keep up appearances, which is the only movement he makes. He notes the bustle the arrival of the silver-haired man produces. Interesting. The Boss.

Straud surveys the room noting the auras present. Several supernaturals, even more mundanes, calm, easy-going emotions. Keep the drinks rolling and we'll have a loyal crowd for hours.
Straud disappears into the back of the stage, presumably to deliver some last minute notes to the performers. They'll be reviewing their parts over the next hours to prepare for the last-minute announcement of the debut. But they knew better than to question what was asked of them.

Mandarc sits alone at the reserved table at the far left of the stage. Matilda knows to bring him a plasma jane and leave him alone until the rest of the party arrives.

Áine enters the BV confidently, dressed in a keyhole-top, slit leg Qipao in crimson, her hair swirling around her like a living force. Upon seeing Mandarc she waves and makes her way over to the table.
"Evening Mandarc."

"Áine!" He puts down his drink, almost slamming it to the tabletop. "Nice to see you, I wasn't expecting anyone so early." He scoots over as if to allow Áine space at the square booth, but the fact is that there's plenty.
"Can I get you something?" He changes his mind, stands, and calls the waitress from across the moderately crowded room. "One of the usual?"

Áine takes a seat, amused at Mandarc's awkward sincerity. Yes, thank you Mandarc...make it a double."

Davian tries not to focus on Lila's driving as they make their way down 21st street in his Flecked Indigo Corniche Convertible, but breathes an audible sigh of relief when they pull up to the BV.
"Let's get inside, I need a drink."

Lila's answering laugh sparkles with amusement "The man who stood unflinching in front of a God struggles with youthful driving?"

"Thunderbird did not endanger my car."
Entering the club Davian spies Mandarc and raises his cane in response, and the two Magi amble over to the booth.
"Greetings Mandarc, Áine. How are you both? Looking forward to the performance? Straud always puts on a good show."

Lila sneaks a glance around the room while Davian makes his introductions, her gaze lingering on Áine's dress. Oh my...I wonder who is meant to see... Turning back to the crowd, she cannot help but feel a thrill of excitement for her first bit of Theatre in NYC, even if it is in Astoria.

Mandarc makes his way back to the table with two double plasma janes in hand. He places the drinks on the table and pushes them over the wooden surface.
"I guess I oughta make my way back to the bar. Welcome welcome Davian and Lila. What can I get the evening star and her Magister?"

"Very Kind of you Mandarc; a Peach Julep please. Lila?"

"Rusty Nail. With real Scotch...there is no 'e' in Whisky."

"Yes sir, and ma'am." Mandarc disappears with their drink orders.
When he reappears, he bears both drinks, filled to heaping, and hasn't spilt a drop. He places the drinks on the table.
Mandarc rejoins them at the bar and leads everyone in a toast. "To early risers and those who like to stay out late. Lila, Davian, Áine... Cheers!"

Davian raises his glass, making sure to give Lila the first toast. "Hear Hear! I would like to raise a toast to my Apprentice, who has shown remarkable initiative and similar temperament. To Lila Black, the Scottish Dragon!"

"Hip hip!" Mandarc joins in the cheer. I'm just glad I saw it, even if it was from the back of the room.

They are just finishing their hurrahs when, at the head of the stage, out slips Straud. He surveys the room, noting changes and lack thereof in the crowd.
Drawing his attention is a shifter, which on its own would have been peculiar enough, but this one was...could he be correct in seeing a Naga?
He would keep his eye on this one. Why had he come here?
When Straud comes back to the the table, he can sense he's missed a toast. "My apologies, my friends, I was just giving some last minute notes to the cast of tonight's presentation. It's a new one and we're trying to get it just right. They're reviewing the changes now, and working with costuming, and they'll be ready for curtain. My time is now yours. What have I missed?"

"Vlad, welcome. I was just giving Lila another well-deserved toast. Mandarc has been the perfect host in your absence."

Gwydion strides into the BV, carelessly pushing past the hoi poloi, his violet eyes searching the room. Seeing her, he smiles, and quickens his pace, arriving at the table before he can be noticed.
"Count, it is an honor, thank you for the invitation. A pleasure to see you again Magister. Hello Lila, Mandarc." Finally he turns to Áine: "My Lady." She offers her hand and he smiles, bending to kiss the velvet skin.

To Áine Girl. Now I get the dress.

Áine catches Lila's eyes as Gwydion gets settled and winks languidly.

To Áine: Making yourself at home, granddaughter?

To Straud Making connections with the Magi of New York. I hear his Mother was a big deal before she disappeared. His dark, mysterious nature and brooding good looks have nothing to do with it...

To Áine: Perhaps this will be good for the both of you. Will it give you a reason to stick around this time?

I was young, and impatient. And perhaps more than a little headstrong. The Embrace left me with being a Vampire meant everything. You were only trying to help me Grandfather...but perhaps every child needs to rebel. Baba sends her regards by the way; nothing has changed, but the rift between you is a wound.

It may be soon time to seek reconciliation with Baba Yaga. But for now, I must focus my efforts at home.
You have gained much in your time away. I am not angry; I am becoming sentimental. I am sorry that my charge left you with so little guidance. It is something I have lamented...If only I had known, if only I had been wiser. But you have learned much. Welcome back, my Childe.

As Gwydion settles into his seat, he catches the faint whispers of mental communication; if he concentrated he could listen in, but such things hardly fit the current setting. Besides, from the expression on Áine's face and the position of Straud's head, this conversation was personal. Stretching out in the booth (so his leg just so happened to touch Áine's) , he catches a server's eye.
"A traditional Sazerac please, double."

Mikael pauses for a moment at the entrance, the memory of his last experience at the Blue Velvet replaying in his head. Hard to believe that was only a few months ago. He unconsciously smooths his silk jacket then straightens and steps through the door, keeping an eye out for familiar faces.

Behind Mikael comes a familiar face, another blond, but this one with a pale scar running down his face. Cedric calls out, "Hey Kal-El!"
When you turn around, you see Cedric and a man you don't recognize. He's gaunt but tall, thin muscles seeming to drape off an oversized skeleton. He has a kind face, patient and discerning, framed by a short flash of rusty orange hair.
Cedric motions to introduce him. "This is my friend Kevin Marscapone. His family runs a school for mages here in Astoria."

Kevin waves genially. "Greetings greetings."

Cedric turns back to Mikael. "So you got the invite, too, huh? Bossman's got a lot to celebrate. Long story, I'm sure you'll hear it more than once tonight. It's good to see you again. Want to sit with us tonight?"

Mandarc notices Gwydion, very quiet, very focused on Áine. There was something mysterious about him, something hidden. He knew he was a mage, but something seemed darker about him. He was not quite like Davian or Lila.
Mandarc takes out his phone and sends a text message to Yuki Behr. She was part of the herd of mortals that always found themselves hanging out around the supernaturals of the Blue Velvet. Day to day, she managed the speakeasy's web-presence, a job Straud had intended for Friday Perkins, but had later given to Yuki.
She responds and the two begin texting back and forth, distracting Mandarc from the chatter at the table.

After Straud and Áine finish their conversation, Straud leans over to Davian. He points out the strange shifter across the room.
What do you make of that man?

Mikael turns and flashes a relieved smile and holds out his hand to both men. "Cedric, good to see you; Kevin, pleasure. Thank would be great, I was surprised to receive Mr. Straud's invitation...glad he doesn't hold any hard feelings."

Davian surreptitiously examines the lithe figure in the shadows, using a bit of Forces, Life, and Mind.
A Shifter, but something more. His Aura is chaotic and I detect something like awakening, but incomplete. A Shifter Sleepwalker? Now that is a special snowflake.

"A little hole in the wall is no biggie." Cedric boasts. "I'm just glad you found our hideout. It's good to have you back again."
The trio walks over to the booth where the party is seated. Though it appears to be full as it's installed into the wall, the seating never seems to run out and no one ever has to be crammed in next to their neighbor.
"Everyone, this is Mikael Martel, a guest of ours from late summer. He helped dispatch Lindsay and Jack one night they were messing with our fun."

The group greets the young man and invites him to sit down. Straud is careful to extend a warm welcome to Mikael, remembering the fraught event at which he was brought into the fold.
We should greet the man. I find individuals do not usually find themselves here for no reason.

Davian continues to covertly examine the stranger while communicating with Straud.
Agreed. The Naga have long been thought to be extinct; for one to show up on the day of your performance seems more than coincidental. How would you like to proceed? Introductions at his table might make him feel threatened, but so might an invitation to our motley crew.

We shall make our presence known and extend a welcome. Come with me, I do not want to scare him off with too stern an expression.
Straud and Davian motion to get up, but something about this enchanted booth keeps working its magic. He doesn't have to ask anyone to get up, rather, he just finds himself exactly where he wants to be; on the outside of the table. Matilda runs by with drinks; she's harried, the night is beginning to pick up.
The pair approach the table with the strange man who's been eyeing them. Straud bows politely. "Welcome, sir, to the Blue Velvet. I happen to own this establishment and noticed that you're a newcomer tonight. Did you happen in or are you here for the special performance of Long Winter?"

Xander tenses as the two men rise from their seats, their eyes fixed on his location. His arcane senses identified the dark-haired man in the elegant suit as a Mage of awesome power, but the silver-haired gentlemen confused him. The BV was rumored to be owned by an ancient Vampire, but this man was seemed like no other vampire Xander had ever encountered...he smelled different, and he emanated a peculiar aura. Regardless, these two were power-players. Remember: you don't really know what happened.
Xander rises and follows the owner's (Strahd? Straud!) choice of greeting, making a small bow to each man:
"Alexander von Galen. Thank you, Mr. Straud. I must admit to ulterior motives for my visit, but now that I am here, the show looks intriguing. I have often heard of this place...I have many friends who lead an active night life."

"Rumors are dangerous things...Built upon sand, they crumble in the wind. I hope you have not heard anything unsavory. I aim to create a place of peace, where individuals of any persuasion may enjoy shared experiences. The locals have taken to calling it Elysium, but I like to think of Elysium as something we will be someday, rather than something we are today."
Straud tries to maintain a calm hand on the conversation. It was like lion-taming, trying to ensure that they don't spook the newcomer. What would Ben make of this man?
"This is my companion Davian Hughes." He gestures to the dark-haired man. "He's a gentleman of many talents and a dear friend of mine. Perhaps you will join us at our table? The view is spectacular."

Alex hesitates for a moment, then gives a quick nod of assent. "I would be honored to join you; I find myself unexpectedly alone after my relationship went up in flames."

I don't think he's aware of my rival's tactics, like so many who may be on the receiving end of this tale. Straud transmits to Davian.
"I'm sorry to hear that. It is great sorrow that anyone should be lost, is that not the promise of eternal life?"
I hesitate to tell him what being a parishioner of Trelaine's generally entails. At the very least, let's be delicate.
They arrive at the table and everyone eyes the newcomer. Straud says, "Everyone, we have a guest at the table tonight, please welcome..." and he motions to Alex to introduce himself.

Alex looks around the booth with barely concealed amazement. The auras on display were...impressive. "Alexander von Galen. This is my first time at the Blue Velvet and Mr. Straud was kind enough to invite me over."

"Please, have a seat. Curtain isn't for some time yet, but I hope we'll be adequate company."

Mandarc rushes to his feet at the reception of the newcomer. "Mandarc Soo, lieutenant and assistant. Can I get you something to drink?"

Alexander nods. "Nice to meet you. I would like a hemmingway daquiri please. Double."

"Interesting. Yes, we can do that." And he speeds away toward the bar.

Straud asks, "If I can tear her away from the players, would you like to meet the playwright? I don't feel comfortable talking about the work before the debut without her present."

"I would indeed. It is so rare to have insider access."

Mikael reaches across the table and extends a hand to the newcomer. "Mikael Martel. Pleasure to meet you Alexander. This is only my second visit." and Mikael gives him a reassuring wink.

The strength of the young man's aura screams warning, but his gaze is honest, and his gesture had the intended effect. Despite himself, Alexander finds himself liking the young man.
"Good to meet you Mikael. Are you in University?"

"Recently completed undergrad and am moving on to graduate studies in several subjects. How about you? "

"Several subjects? Oh. My occupation is a humble one: I am a mailman. I find it provides ample time for me to pursue my other hobbies."

Mikael nods amiably "Essential work; though I am sure you have other ways of making money if you are sitting at this table. You said it was your first time here, how do you know Mr. Straud?"

The young man's guilelessness catches Alexander off-guard. "I don't know him directly, only by reputation. My ex-girlfriend mentioned this place a few times before she...disappeared. She always made it sound...unseemly, but I am not so sure anymore."

Mandarc brings Alexander his drink and rejoins the rest of the crew.

Cedric, for his part, has been eavesdropping on Mikael's conversation waiting for an appropriate time to intrude.
"Hi Alexander, I'm Cedric. I'm glad we got the chance to meet." He pauses a moment to let the occasion speak for itself.
"A mailman, huh? That would give you plenty of time to make the rounds. Where do you hail from?"

"Nice to meet you. I grew up in College Point, then moved down south for a while. Transferred back up to the City when my parents died, about a year ago. What about you? Mikael has New York on his tongue, but you're harder to place."

"I grew up in the Appalachians. Small town tucked inside of mountains and trees. I spent my childhood buried in books, so the accent never took root. I moved here after I graduated from high school. Quickly discovered the Magicademy and there I've stayed."

"Magicademy? Is that the school for mages they set up on Randall's island?"

"It's here in Astoria; North and a little west, probably technically Steinway but the mail all reads Astoria. It's a school for mages, run by Kevin's mother and father." He gestures to Kevin, who waves. "They mostly take in foundlings, and has been closed for a number of years. Time flies."

"Ah. I had heard of the school for The Awakened while down in Florida, the details were bound to be scrambled." Alexander takes a deep drink of his daquiri before continuing "It was a noble endeavor; what happened, if you don't mind my asking."

"The Matron was succumbing to age but mostly doubt. She doubted whether she could keep up with the new classes of children. Then, in 2001, her husband died. She took care of the children she had until they came of age, but took on no additional pupils."

"I see. A shame, but as you say, tempus fugit." Alexander takes advantage of the pause to finish his drink. "And doubt is one of those byproducts of wisdom they never advertise."

"We have hopes of restarting the school but we have to find some new blood to reinvigorate the program. It's something we haven't really focused on with the war with Trelaine being at the forefront of everyone's minds. But I think it's important to think about planting trees as well burning down the underbrush."

Áine gives Cedric a look at the use of Trelaine's name, but does take the opportunity to watch Alexander's reaction. The Shifter was adept at hiding his emotions, but Áine had a few advantages.
To Cedric His heartrate increased slightly at the mention of Trelaine. Combined with what he said earlier, I think Lila fried his Girl.

To Áine: What?! Shit, I hadn't even imagined such a thing was possible. For...more than a few reasons.

Gwydion, who watching Alexander intently, breaks his mental silence, speaking to Cedric and Áine: He was not born a Shifter, though he has been one for a long time. His Pattern has been altered, which I suspect has also inhibited his Awakening. I can break through his mental defenses if you wish to know more.

To Gwydion, Áine: It was enough to pique my interest. I think I'm better off not knowing why he was 'dating' one of Trelaine's followers. Hey, anyone can fall in with a bad crowd, right?

Gwydion makes an ostentatious show of looking around the room before resting a lingering glance on Áine. Indeed. And though unusual, relationships between Magi and Vampires have been known to happen...

Áine smirks at Gwydion's comment. His aura is also...familiar in some ways. I think we have a psychic vampire on our hands. That sensation rivals The Embrace...or so I've heard.

Cedric laughs a little, so much as can be transmitted over the telepathic airways. Psychic vampire? Here I thought I was as normal as they get.

Suddenly, Straud stands and you're unsure why, until you look toward the door. Standing in the doorway is the Camarilla prince Ventrue Tomas Ortega and his three wives, all officials in the Camarilla leadership.
Tomas is a cafe au lait skinned Spaniard wearing a white suit. He's tall but muscular. His youngest wife, Toreador Oleander Horowitz, stayed close to him, always looking for guidance. His other two wives, Ventrue Aigul and Tremere Kalyani Kambarov formed a unit and were never seen without each other.

They quickly make their way over to the table to greet the coterie. Straud, standing by the edge, is the first in line. "Tomas, Oleander, Aigul, Kalyani. It has been some time since you've made it to my humble establishment. What is the occasion?"

Tomas is the first to speak. "Word on the street is that you've declared war on the Sabbat. Would you care to make a comment one way or the other?"

Davian pauses, giving Straud the opportunity to speak; when it is clear Straud is doing the same for him, he steps forward and extends his hand.
"Davian Hughes, Archmage and Magister of the Order of Hermes, pleasure to make your acquaintance. The actions of the Order are none of your concern; however, in the interest of ecumenical understanding I will tell you that Trelaine had something he shouldn't have, so we took it back; with some collateral damage." Davian smiles wickedly. "Thankfully the power of True Magick is such that Trelaine might find it somewhat difficult to wage war for a month or so."

Tomas looks over toward the table, easily sensing through Auspex the auras of the table.
"I am not necessarily disinterested in this war of yours. We are interested in preserving our existence, our, how would you put it, way of life. Trelaine has been a thorn in our side for longer than I care to remember. I do not agree with his...methods. On that, I think we can find agreement. But, to send your Childer to set their house aflame...I came to compliment you, Count, I did not think it your style."
He turns to Davian. "Magister Davian Hughes. Tomas Ortega. I don't think we've ever met but your reputation precedes you."

Straud wears a humorless expression at the compliment. "On the matter of the death that was witnessed at the Sabbat Cathedral in Gravesend, I am grieved that so many of my Kindred had to be sacrificed but their souls are at least free to someday reach the Umbra. Trelaine does not allow the same for his victims. We must send a message that this kind of manner is not acceptable for our Kind."

"Beyond the issue of Diablarie, Trelaine has become an issue for all those interested in maintaining the fragile peace. His recent actions signal far more than his usual meddling and demand further response."

"I agree with your assessment. I have been eager to eliminate or at the very least reduce the presence of the Sabbat within the five boroughs but...You have made it impossible for me to continue to stay my hand. I come to offer my forces as your allies in this war. I know we've had our differences in the past but hopefully this can be a new chapter in our diplomatic relationship." Tomas tries to maintain an aura of humility.

Straud raises a thin eyebrow at the Prince. "We've had fractious relations for decades, Tomas. As far as the cold war is concerned, you should thank the Earth for carving out the East River. Those in the border zones between Brooklyn and Queens have borne the brunt of our malcontent. And now, at the show of awesome power, you want us to be friends? I say, 'Time will tell.' Your insistence on maintaining the Masquerade provides a distraction from the real problems our world faces."

The Tremere Kalyani Kambarov steps up and prepares to speak. She's of Indian descent, with dark skin and hair as black as pitch. "Maintaining the Masquerade is a matter of self-preservation for all of us."

But her words fall on an unsympathetic audience. "The day comes soon that the Status Quo, be it the Masquerade or the Consensus, will become a luxury we cannot hide behind. The Mundane will be swept up in these wars, and it will fall to us to care for them. Are you prepared to join hands with my coterie knowing that you may have to stand trial for your crimes?"

"I do not believe for a moment that you and your kind intend to bow to the rulership of the Mundane." Tomas wears a placid expression on his face, anxious at Straud's chilly response.

Kalyani volunteers herself with an exclamation. "This world is destined to be ruled by the Supernatural. We can only hope it's us, and not them."

"Better a dog than a wolf? Spare me. If and when the consensus collapses, concerns about rulership will be far down the list. However, the threat Trelaine poses is real, and as the representative from the Society of Aether, I concur with Magister Davian; let us discuss realities not possibilities."

Lila snorts at Gwydion's comment while extracting what appears to be a golden glass marble from her bag.
"Now that we've all agreed to play nice for the moment, perhaps we can discuss further plans?" She holds up the marble
"This is a copy of the schematic I made of Trelaine's facility. It is only partially complete due to heavy warding of certain areas, but should suffice. Our entry point is also still secure, as far as I am aware."

"So you are the mage who is responsible for the Dracorage." Kalyani steps forward and introduces herself to Lila. "I'm Kalyani Kambarov. Very impressive work. We only heard about it second hand, but I wish I'd been able to see your feat with my own two eyes."

Tomas inserts himself into the conversation. "Tomas Ortega." He pauses to introduce Aigul Kambarov and Oleander Horowitz, who have listened quietly on the periphery. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Straud speaks next. "Tomas, I'd like you to meet Gwydion Yanúla. He was a student at the Marscapone School in his younger days. He is Aegwynn's son."

Kalyani's eyes widen as she looks at Gwydion. "Aegwynn? Hasn't she gone missing?"

Lila takes Kalyani's hand and shakes it warmly.
"Pleasure. And thank you; it was nothing special, just something I hung in case of emergencies." Turning to the others hand out, Lila greets them with similar geniality.

Gwydion nods to Tomas and the others. "Mother is currently taking an extended leave of absence."

Kalyani is obviously enjoying lavishing attention upon Lila. "And humble too! 'Nothing special', you say. Why, you've become a celebrity overnight!"

"Enough, Kalyani." Tomas waves his hand to give her calm. "It is not seemly to celebrate the loss of so many of our kind." He pauses. "Even if they have fallen from grace."
He resumes talking to Gwydion. "I hope all goes well for her." It is brief, but genuine. Aegwynn was practically a household name for supernaturals in the City. She had a reputation for power, of course, but her power was tempered by kindness and generosity. Even among the less savory supernaturals, no one could speak ill of her.

Sensing a lull in the conversation, Straud seizes the moment. "I'm pleased that you and your coterie saw to it to visit my establishment tonight. We're putting on a new play this evening for which I hope you will stay. Can I interest you in one of our reserved boxes?"

Somewhat taken aback by his offer, Tomas wears a placid expression. "Yes, I would love to linger for the performance. Your speakeasy, much to my chagrin, serves as an example to many of the success of Elysium." He laughs. "I would prefer not to have to visit the outer boroughs to enjoy the best the night has to offer. But I have to applaud your acumen and fine taste."

Davian watches the exchange with amusement before calling out to Tomas as he turns to leave.
"It was a pleasure, Tomas, I am gratified that your gentility was not just a rumor. Please give my regards to Hassan and let him know I look forward to our next meeting."

Kalyani steps forward, inserting herself into the conversation. "Magister. I will personally let him know that we spoke. Taleb is a personal friend of mine." She smiles coyly. "My dearest Tomas often finds himself busy with the pressures of leadership but I? I have time for your request. Please allow me to do this." Her eyelids flutter just perceptibly, betraying a state of excited rivalry.

Straud leads the Camarilla council to the adjacent booth. The bartender follows and offers them the customary hospitalities.
Straud returns just as the rest of their coterie is unwinding from the excitement and rejoining their friends in their booth. "I offered them our finest fruit but I do not know if they will take me up on it."

"There's no accounting for taste, Master. Even among Princes." Mandarc affirms.

"Now that Caleb is a traitor, are we taking over his orchard?" Cedric asks, half to Straud, half to the table.

"I will have to talk to Lilith Vatore before I declare their inheritance forfeit." Straud responds.

"I don't think Lilith wants too much to do with us these days." Cedric comments dismissively. "Besides, wasn't the fruit yours to begin with?"

Straud ignores the comment. "I prefer to speak with her before I make any decisions."

In the silence that follows, the conversation splinters into smaller circles. Mandarc leans over toward Gwydion, eager to ask a question that's been burning in his mind.
"Gwydion...Your mother's gone missing?"

Gwydion responds calmly, unfazed by this personal question. "Yes. 5 years ago she left, and I haven't seen or heard from her since. Before you ask, my father left us when I was 12."

"Geez, she just left you alone? That wasn't cool, I'm sorry Gwydion." Mandarc looks about the room quickly, trying to dream up a segue. "I always thought that mothers should put their children before their husbands but then again I never had a mother so what do I know?"

"That's right, Mandarc; What do you know?" Cedric interjects with a playful tone.

"So, then, Cedric, friend of mine. What was your mother like? Or, perhaps are you a motherless knave?" Mandarc teases.

"I had a mother. Don't know what happened to her by now though. She was more interested in just about anything other than me."

"So is that why you ran away from home?"

"Part of it." Cedric replies matter-of-factly. "Somehow I think she'd find something funny in my plight."

"What's so funny about being an immortal daywalker?" Mandarc inquires.

"Oh, I don't know, that I almost had the Tellurian at my fingertips and then some idiot classmate of mine had too many wine coolers that night? Mandarc, you really ought to think before you speak sometimes."

"Still more than she's got. I don't know. I doubt she'd find your 'situation' very funny."

"I was an adult Mandarc, and without getting into the details, what she is looking for is important to both of us. But thank you - most of those who ask about Mother do so because they are anxious or eager for her return, not due to their concern over my well-being."

Áine squeezes Gwydion's hand as she responds to Cedric "Seriously Cedric? All the benefits and none of the drawbacks and you're still crying into your cereal over what could have been? Mages can accomplish the impossible, true, but they lack the passion and innate strength of our kind." Áine smiles, her fangs glinting in the candlelight, the shadows around her clinging to her like smoke. "Besides, there are many secrets hidden in Vitae."

Cedric had to admit he had nothing to say. It was true, he often lamented what he'd lost, but she was right. Rather than focus on what he had, he looked toward the mages with envy. But this was their day, and he wasn't about to steal the spotlight. Áine had been trained by Baba Yaga, but he? He sometimes found prey older than him. But that would not be the case forever. Assuming, of course, that he lived that long.

Mandarc, eager to resume probing the secrets of the mages, keeps talking to Gwydion. "Well, I'm sure she'll succeed then. She's famous, right? I'm sure not for just any old reason."
Mandarc's phone rings and he holds up his finger to indicate his withdrawal from the conversation. "Sorry, excuse me, I've got to take this." He brings the cellphone to his ear and removes himself from the booth, bound for the outdoors. "Don't wait up for me, it's Yuki."

Cedric, ever aware of his status as a fledgling, catches eye contact with Straud, who delivers a stern look that says 'See me after class.'

Straud takes the opportunity to look about the table. "Please make your final requests for refreshments, table service will not be available during the performance. We have about a quarter of an hour before curtain. I will return, I'd like to give my last speech to the players before they arrive on stage." Straud leaves the table, bound for the stage, where he slips behind the curtain and disappears.

Matilda, without being asked, comes back to the table and removes the empty glasses before replacing them with generously filled glasses. He eyes Mandarc's new plasma jane glass, trying to find some calm in the din.
Mandarc was gone talking to Yuki, his new romantic interest. He was happy enough for Mandarc, but something held him back from full endorsement. Yuki was a Mundane, and thus, could never be everything to him. Despite the rivalry, he wanted something more for Mandarc.
Cedric had been unable to convince Avael to join them at the B.V. this evening. He thought she'd be happy and eager to celebrate a setback for Trelaine. But she'd refused, choosing instead to stay at home. She kept herself rather isolated, despite it all. He supposed that being cybernetically enchanced did not make one eager to venture out into the world of the Ordinary.

Mikael begins his second drink happily, casually making smalltalk with Alexander, who is looking a bit stunned.

Davian sits and chat with Lila, complimenting her on her growing reputation. "They'll be talking about this one for years; and mark my words, soon you'll have dropped a nuke on the place!"

Áine sits with Gwydion, forcing herself to merely sip her Plasma Jane. The Great Aegwynn. Mandarc is young and provincial, but I am familiar with that name, but I didn't realize she had left. So...are you Dominus?

Gwydion grimaces No. they have decided that Mother is still Domina, so I cannot initiate succession, and have appointed themselves Regents in her absence. They have never liked me, the rumors after my Father disappeared only made things worse.

The table is happily buzzing when Straud returns from behind the curtain. They silently acknowledge him and he sits down next to Lila, opposite Davian. "This one is for you, Lila, for taking a step into the unknown and giving us something to sing about."

The already dim lights fade until the only light in the room are the spotlights on the stage. The crowd goes silent as all eyes shift from their tables to the stage. It is almost unbelievable that this room, filled with bodies supernatural and mundane, could be so otherworldly quiet.
The curtain is drawn and there is a woman in a long purple dress. Her name is Pamela and she is introduced as a farmer in a future dystopia where everyone has been driven underground due to a nuclear disaster. But life is not all bad, in fact, the woman is rather happy with her lot in life. Right now she's concerned with her love for a fellow farmer, a man named Anton.
She cannot focus on her work, she cannot innovate in her position because she is so infatuated with Anton. But in their collective, marriage cannot occur until they are twenty years of age. And Anton intends on obeying the law.
Cut to a parallel scene, a young diplomat is singing about a reversed situation; he's betrothed to a woman he has no interest in. He wants to be free and go on dates with many beautiful women. It's a fun romp, with many females in ornate costumes taking turns to join him and provide the soprano to his tenor.
We get the sense that the two will be brought together as the head of the pod prepares to announce a festival celebrating high yields by the farmers.
And then there's the drop. An alien woman is attending the party. And she's interested in a magician who just so happens to be in town. It's an obvious allusion to a famous sci-fi series but for the uninformed it does represent a departure for the work.
You hear murmurs of confusion among the more pedestrian of the Mundane. "An alien?!" They whisper furiously. But the woman's performance is the highlight of the act; she has an incredible singing voice. Her back and forth with her love interest at the festival forms the pivotal moment, blending into a reprisal of the young people's early performances.
But then, something strange happens. The lights go out. In an underground living hub, this is a halt to all life on the station. Because a party is going on, there happen to many candles around, so everyone takes a candle. This scene goes together with the audience each receiving a tea light as well.
Cue curtain for intermission.

Davian stretches his neck and takes a sip of his drink, looking around the table.
Aine and Gwydion sit snuggled together, hands intertwined. Good for them, outcasts now making a home.
Turning his head, he sees Mikael and Cedric chatting with the Shifter, Alex. Strange he should come tonight, but perhaps Straud's gifts are drawing others into the circle.
"Excellent start Vlad, the performers are exceptional."

"I'm glad you think so, Davian. They are improvising, a bit, but no changes have altered the intention."
"I do hope the tea lights haven't sent any of my kin into thoes of fear." He maintains a dry expression but still seems to invoke humor.

Davian gives a low chuckle. "I always wondered at that little bit of trivia, seemed a bit meta, you know?"
Taking another deep drink, Davian looks across the table once again, letting the quiet of the moment wash over him. So much had happened since he decided to come down for a quick visit mere months ago...The light flash, alerting patrons to return to their seats. Davian finishes his drink then waves his hand over the glass; it is refilled. "No need to bother Matilda, she's working hard enough."
One last glance across the assembled faces before settling into his chair The players are gathered. Now for act II.

As if at the bell, Mandarc reappears in a burst of speed and rejoins the booth. No one seems to pay any mind to him.
Act II opens on Pamela, who sings a very touching number that not only details the reasons for her love for Anton, but also tearfully addresses growing up and the passage of time. When it is seen at the end of the song that Anton no longer loves her, we feel for her, but know something is wrong by the way Anton acts suddenly changed in the recent darkness of the station.
The young diplomats are forced to work together despite feeling intense hatred for each other. They have realized they can get the lights back on if they provide startup energy for a backup generator that has been unmanned for years. Providing the startup energy, luckily enough for them, involves providing manpower through a set of stationary bicycles. (How fortunate!) But it's going to take nearly an hour of biking. (How unfortunate.)
The alien sings a lovely love song for her beloved. But although the magician is won over by her charm in some ways, he has already promised himself to another, and does not intend to break his word. It's a bit of information we haven't had so far, but the magician is presented sympathetically and we're all-together just sad about the situation.
The doctor rushes into the scene and breaks to speak, instead of sing. He says that he suspects the alien is giving off pheromones that are making the inhabitants of the pod behave in strange ways, especially romantically.
Next, the point of view switches to see everyone at once, and they acknowledge that this festival was not going as planned, and rather, not going well at all. It confirms the suspicions that the root cause is the alien woman who has since visited the station, and was possibly due to her age. She concludes with a sad bit about how sad it is to get old.
She decides to leave the station and sings a tearful goodbye to the magician, who has come to appreciate her as a good friend. But she must leave.
And as soon as she does, the problem between Pamela and Anton are lifted. The lights flicker to life thanks to the diplomats, reaching the critical power to launch the generator. And the two reconcile, feeling renewed in having shifted their focus to helping the pod. And the performance ends with just a few short lines from the alien woman, who steals the show with a lot of feeling packed in very few notes.
The crowd erupts into applause and the players bow several times over.

Davian stands with the rest and claps along with the rest, having genuinely enjoyed the night and the chance to savor Straud's return. In no rush, he returns to his seat as the curtain calls end, immediately reaching for his cigarette case to light a perfect joint, the smoke disappearing almost as soon as it appears.
"The second act was even more satisfying than the first, and the actors have had their worthy reward. Perhaps a few words from the Host of the Evening before everyone departs?"

"Good Idea. Everyone should have a chance to see him and know he is the real deal, not some impersonator we cooked up. Getting him on-stage shows we have nothing to hide."

At a moment's thought, Straud is at the edge of the booth and standing. He opens his coat and removes a set of notecards from his breast pocket. He walks to the stage, past the table of the Camarilla leadership, and weaving through the floor seats. After ascending the side stairs, he takes center stage, now cleared and curtain reset.
"Good evening, my friends, and thank you for attending tonight's performance of Long Winter. The tale has been long in the planning, but patient for the right place and time. Thank you again to Bianca Vacarescu for bringing me the original draft."
He motions to her in the crowd and she stands up, spotlight now upon her, and takes a bow. The audience claps enthusiastically.
Credit given to the writer, the light shines upon Straud once again. "But in all seriousness, a lot of you came here tonight filled with uncertainty about tonight's topic. Why an alien and a magician? Why romance? Why the whimsy? But I tell you, it is now we need whimsy more than ever. In these dark times, we must look forward with hope toward the future, a future that is shrouded in the richness that comes from an intensely mysterious world. There are those who would seek to destroy the wilderness, subdue it and enslave it to serve their twisted will. Who is the enemy in your life? Is it capitalism? Traditional currency? Or maybe it's not something, but someone. If you have cleared your conscience and know your way to be true, maybe it falls to you to be brave and not suffer trespass."

Mandarc leans over to Gwydion, "See, the notecards were just an act."

"But I digress," Straud continues. "We are dedicated to upholding the ideals of Elysium here and celebrate freedom from violence and persecution. We hope the rest of the world will follow our example and stop the pattern of bloodshed among our peoples. The time may come that we must band together as one. Would we still fight our brothers if a greater evil rose from the depths?"
"The citizens of the pods had many things in common, and came to express empathy for their fellow man over the course of the play. They each had to deal with setback and eventually push through to make progress. They had to think about others besides themselves to make change. It's a struggle to which we all can relate. One good decision can make all the difference, which we see in the alien's decision to leave the station. I brought you all together to witness this to thank you for your compassion and loyalty and hope that we can continue holding hands to see the future come to fruition. Thank you."
Tomas is one of the first to stand and start clapping; a gesture meant to indicate his agreement to enter into alliance.
The rest of the audience starts to clap as well, and Straud leaves the stage to the roar of applause. It continues for a little while, and then tapers off, fading into the din of scattered chatter as the people begin to shuffle out of the theatre.

Mandarc is the first to greet Straud as he returns to the booth. "Really great out there Master. All-around a success."

Straud looks toward Cedric, who, located on the other side of the table, merely bows his head in agreement.